Not Implemented - GCW - GCW Ranking much harder after update. | Star Wars Galaxies Restoration

Not Implemented GCW GCW Ranking much harder after update.

This idea/suggestion has been flagged as Not Implemented because of a lack of popularity, lack of interest, lack of feasibility, or other determination by the Development Team, so the suggestion will not be implemented. Once a suggestion has been flagged this way, the decision is final. Although the issue may be raised again in the future after a six month cooldown. A response explanation from the Development Team can be found in the thread.
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Nov 4, 2023
Reaction score
Not really sure if anyone else noticed this because game has been with less players playing the GCW, but before it was much easier to rank up during these periods and now it seems impossible to. Before I could almost get General (though I never succeeded) and now I constantly can't get past major because area's are so contested and constantly switching all it takes is someone playing at the end a few hours when your asleep to completely destroy all your work and it made me just give up.

(I already have my rewards... but I can't imagine this is good for anyone who didn't get them before I did... glad I played before the update I guess?)

So I ask, can rank decay be turned off or lessoned some how so people have a chance to actually rank up? You can't really keep up in the current system unless your constantly playing and I unfortunately can't so I am kind of sad if they ever do more rewards for it because it seems such a steep ladder to climb it isn't really worth the reward anymore.

Can the Rank and Reward system be revamped some time in the future so its less of a part time job?

I actually don't know why I keep losing ranks, GCW seems too chaotic now and I don't understand the system and I don't have time to study a math book to learn the new system and why I can't control systems anymore. It might be because space and land are tied closer together or it might be that the losing faction just can't rank anymore because of how the control works now. I don't know, it's simply too complicated for me.

It's much more chaotic than before, the old system was hard and you had to be on top of it, but now because its chaotic now it feels like its just as bad but your rolling dice. Before you could sort of guarentee rank by fighting but now you can't.
I am putting this down for the future, if they ever give space rewards I want to make sure I can get them and not have... well; this.
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The problem is the empire is in bad shape and there is no where to declare. Id be surprised if the rebels are saying the same thing.

Getting GCW and maintaining rank surely must be easiser now (i dint do it before), all the old stuff hasnt been removed but added more with the towers. I played 2 hours yesterday and got over 12000 gcw.
This isn’t a suggestion it’s just a bunch of bitching. Do that in Discord and post a PV after there’s some consensus.
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