Community Tenets

Community Tenets
A YT-1300 freighter pursued by a KSE Firespray
Community Tenets
Community Tenets

Our Community Tenets reflect the principles we reference when designing and managing our community. We share these to help prospective players evaluate whether our community is the right choice when considering what Star Wars Galaxies server to select. Our tenets are summarized as: Real people, really online, playing fair, making voices heard, and driving forward momentum.

Real People - We allow only one account per person to maintain a fair and balanced environment and take seriously our commitment to ensure all accounts participating in our community are separate individuals. To prevent abuse from multiple accounts, we register the physical machines you play from; we don’t allow Virtual Private Networks (VPN) or other IP-masking resources to connect to our services; and we will require authentic government identity verification through a trusted third party if we suspect multiple accounts are not legitimately separate people.
Really Online - We don’t allow Away from Keyboard (AFK) play on our server for system-generated benefits like credits, items, or collections. All players you see logged in are actively at their computers and playing the game or within an appropriate break window. Consequently, the number of online players on our server may appear lower than it otherwise would, but it represents all real people, all of whom are really playing. When you’re no longer an active participant in our community, your account is muted until you are active again, as unless you’re an active player, we don’t see the need to hear from you.
Playing Fair - We hold a high bar on fairness, both in how our members play the game and in how we manage conduct and disputes. We’re judicious and considerate of all circumstances and require a high burden of proof when we make disciplinary decisions or review appeals of those decisions. We don’t over-moderate language or behaviors that have existing means (like the ignore/block feature) to limit them, and we don’t excessively police player conduct if it doesn’t egregiously violate our Community Standards. There’s no room for cheating or exploits on our server, and we’ll swiftly remove players who violate that creed.
Making Voices Heard - We’re open to feedback and vocally self-critical. We want our community to be a part of the game we’re making and the community we build, because it is all for that same community. Players can elect representatives to interface with our team and can make their voices heard directly through tools like PlayerVoice, which allows for crowd-sourcing of popular ideas. While our Development Team ultimately guides the direction of the project and makes the decisions, a continuous cycle of feedback and engagement with the community is key to our success.
Driving Forward Momentum - We believe in innovation and forward momentum. We make decisions at a high velocity with the long-term success of our community in mind. We accept that sometimes, this means short-term losses for long-term gains, and it is impossible for all decisions to be popular with everyone. We are committed to moving the game forward, not being stuck in the past or constrained by limitations unless we intentionally impose them, allowing us to make the best experience possible for our community.