Open - Other - Outdoors - Add Existing Creatures to the Game as pets | Star Wars Galaxies Restoration

Open Other Outdoors Add Existing Creatures to the Game as pets

This idea/suggestion is Open. You can respond to ask questions or discuss the idea and either vote it up or down if you believe it should or should not be implemented, respectively. Popular suggestions and ideas will be considered by the development team to become reality in-game.
Jun 13, 2021
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Add Existing Creature Models to the game as pets.

Most of these are unused or used as enemy mobs. These unique models are rarely utilized.
They could be used as a goal for players to achieve.

Strive for variety in gameplay and utilizing existing assets to the fullest.

Add Existing Creatures to the game as Pets.

Add more unique creatures for players to obtain as pets. These creatures exist in the game and are unused or used as mobs/enemies.
I suggest adding them as either (up to senators & developers to decide):
  • Mutation
  • Loot
  • Extractable DNA
I think their unique appearance justifies this idea. Plus they can be used as a new content/a new goal for players to strive for and achieve.
Whether they will be attained through a Mutation or a Loot item/DNA Extraction.

I understand that some of these may be considered weird (Gorax/Krayt), but making 18 separate PVs is not reasonable.
They can be "a domesticated" variation if we strive for immersion or some other variation like "a lesser krayt dragon".

I have asked the current Outdoors Senator on the best way of suggesting this and was directed to the Player Voice System.

Please check the Spoiler for the Creature Table with Names and Images.

Spiketail Blurrg
Krayt Dragon
Scorpion Kliknik
Painted Spat
Sher Kar
Rasp (Plumed, Horned, Crowned)
Finned Blaggart
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Great post, Max! This would give some long-needed content for Outdoors and provide the server BEs with unique Resto mutation collaboration opportunities while giving CHs some cool new pets.

There are definitely unused models in the code that are likely ready-to-go on animations, etc. An example would be the Vog Eel, in which a bug that replaces the creature template for the Finned Blaggart mutation with the Vog Eel makes it possible to have an unused beast not found on any other server. Everything shows as a finned blaggart (egg name, datapad) until you summon and find the vog eel.
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Great post, Max! This would give some long-needed content for Outdoors and provide the server BEs with unique Resto mutation collaboration opportunities while giving CHs some cool new pets.

There are definitely unused models in the code that are likely ready-to-go on animations, etc. An example would be the Vog Eel, in which a bug that replaces the creature template for the Finned Blaggart mutation with the Vog Eel makes it possible to have an unused beast not found on any other server. Everything shows as a finned blaggart (egg name, datapad) until you summon and find the vog eel. View attachment 4641
thank you, I haven't included Vog Eel for that reason lol, it got me confused
Upvoted. The only thing I would add is don't make any new pets, especially BE made, better than the ones already made. Equal to is fine but if you add better made (stat wise i mean) ones those folks that have spent a ton of creds are kinda screwed. Love the idea of new models especially.
I believe if a model of it is in the game, then we should be either able to tame it or make it. There shouldn't be a creature in the game that I can't tame if I find a baby, or we can't make if we get the DNA.
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The Gorax is a little tricky since it is kinda like a large Ewok more than an animal so might have to drop that one.
The Gorax is a little tricky since it is kinda like a large Ewok more than an animal so might have to drop that one.
I see what you mean, but the same can be said for Kowakian monkey-lizard which is an available pet, both are considered to be semi-sentient.

If I am not mistaken, creatures can be resized while maintainting their properties (animations, skeletons etc), so they can be resized to match Ape Family and be called "stunted gorax" or lesser/domesticated gorax.

Just an idea of how it can be handled.
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I see what you mean, but the same can be said for Kowakian monkey-lizard which is an available pet, both are considered to be semi-sentient.

If I am not mistaken, creatures can be resized while maintainting their properties (animations, skeletons etc), so they can be resized to match Ape Family and be called "stunted gorax" or lesser/domesticated gorax.

Just an idea of how it can be handled.
Sounds good to me
Adds more variety, no balancing issues, models already exist, gives players new things to strive for - hopefully the main effort would only be deciding and adding how to achieve each one (they could be added progressively over time?) and is a no brainer 🙂
I believe if a model of it is in the game, then we should be either able to tame it or make it. There shouldn't be a creature in the game that I can't tame if I find a baby, or we can't make if we get the DNA.
Exactly as a MASTER CH we should be able to tame all the animals in the game, or else why even have master, it's not master of most.
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