Add Moraband (For the Far Future)

Add Moraband (For the Far Future)
This idea/suggestion has been flagged as Not Implemented because of a lack of popularity, lack of interest, lack of feasibility, or other determination by the Development Team, so the suggestion will not be implemented. Once a suggestion has been flagged this way, the decision is final. Although the issue may be raised again in the future after a six month cooldown. A response explanation from the Development Team can be found in the thread.
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I respectfully propose adding the planet Moraband, also known as Korriban, to the game. The ancient Sith world of Moraband, also known as Korriban, has a treasure of Star Wars lore that would enrich the Star Wars Galaxies experience. Although a planet primarily significant during the Old Republic era and earlier, Moraband still played a substantial role during the age of the Galactic Empire, especially in the legends lore, which many Star Wars Galaxies quests and content adopted. Moraband should be an end game planet with the minimum NPC level being 90.

I. New Archaeology Questline

The new archaeology questline will allow all players to do a several quests for one or both of the following people: Chelli Lona Aphra ("Doctor Aphra") and Mas Amedda. According to Star Wars canon and legends lore, Aphra, Amedda, and Veris Hydan, who is not included because he died in Star Wars Rebels, performed archeological digs for Sith and Jedi artifacts throughout the galaxy for Emperor Palpatine. The quests could include traveling to various points of interest and exploring the Valley of the Dark Lords, Sith temples, Sith pyramids, and other Sith ruins. The quest objectives could be triggering Sith tombs or objects imbued with Sith Lord spirit NPCs and fighting them; obtaining Sith scrolls, talisman, or spellbooks; and killing Dark Jedi Masters in search of Sith artifacts. The end of the questline would lead to a reward of a Sith spellbook that allows any player upon its use to immediately drain a Jedi player's force bar by a reasonable amount (perhaps 5%-10%?) with a 12 hour cooldown. The Sith spellbook can be traded, since it was common during this period to sell Sith and Jedi artifacts for a profit in the black market, but not in the bazaar.

II. Points of Interest and PVE

As briefly discussed above, Moraband can have various points of interests as stated in Star Wars lore. These locations include, but are not limited to, the tombs of Darth Bane, Naga Sadow, Ludo Kressh, Marka Ragnos, Freedon Nadd, Simus, and others; the Valley of the Dark Lords; Sith temples; and Sith obelisks. Some or all of these locations can be added as a requirement to unlocking Jedi or at least earn optional points to unlocking Jedi. Among the hostile NPCs are Sith spirits in the tombs, Dark Jedi Knights and Dark Jedi Masters (Sith pretenders), Disciples of Ragnos cultists, smugglers, tomb raiders, neutral archaeologists, Tu'kata, Silooth, Sith war behemoth, sith warbird, Hississ, battle Hydra, Chrysalid Beergundark, Sith war wyrms, and a Terentatek world boss. The animals can drop animal DNA that can be made into new pets for the game and can be very rare drops due to these creatures' rarity. The humanoid NPCs can drop various collection pieces. There can be a new Sith Scroll, Sith Talisman, and Sith Spellbook collections, ten of each. Completion of all three collections reward the player with a new title and badge, with the new tile perhaps being "Archaeologist," "Scholar of the Sith," or "Sith Historian." The humanoid NPCs can also drop Jedi and Sith holocrons that have the same effect and role in the server's Jedi unlock system to encourage players to visit the world.

III. A New Profession

If not too burdensome (and I admit it is okay if this part of the proposal is rejected), perhaps a new "archaeologist" profession could be added to the game. To unlock the profession, you must complete the new questline above. Once you do, you are able to use the "forage" command to find standard Sith and Jedi "artifacts," "relics," or "vestiges" in Yavin IV, Moraband, Dantooine, and Mustafar (all the planets with a substantial link to the Sith or Jedi). One could also find these relics from heroic bosses, world bosses, or generic force sensitive NPCs throughout the galaxy. Of course, they would be rare drops or rare forages, except for items to make consumables -- those can be more common drops. The archaeologist could then craft these relics into consumables that provide temporary force powered buffs to players, Sith or Jedi historical art that can be sold as a structure decoration, and perhaps for certain rare craftable items only made by a master archaeologist from rare artifact drops -- a new set of reusable debuffs or buff items.
Puts another check on the Jedi profession by enabling all players to become Force/Jedi/Sith scholars and hunters with abilities that make them more competitive against a Jedi player, but not to the point that makes Jedi no longer an alpha class. Enables all players, jedi or not, to learn more about the Force and learn about force sensitives even if they are "normies." There were an elite group of people during this era that studied the Force even though they were not force sensitive.
To enrich the role of Star Wars lore in the game and enable all classes to learn about the Force and have some connection to it, Jedi or not.
Respectfully propose adding Moraband to the game in the far future. I don't expect all of this to be approved, but just thought to bring up some ideas.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Thanks for your suggestion! The vision of our server precludes several types of planets that we will not add in the future, including those heavily focused on and derived in Jedi-related lore, as those planets aren’t the focus of stories we want to tell nor are they timeline appropriate. We will, however, as noted in our Developer Diary, continue to invest in the Jedi and Inquisitor dynamic and stories that further the Jedi progression arc in the planets that already exist, as well as the instance of Ilum.
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