Add X4XX Medic as a BH Unlock Option

Add X4XX Medic as a BH Unlock Option
This idea/suggestion is Open. You can respond to ask questions or discuss the idea and either vote it up or down if you believe it should or should not be implemented, respectively. Popular suggestions and ideas will be considered by the development team to become reality in-game.
Have X4XX in medic (the "combat" line of medic) be another optional path to unlocking bounty hunter.
Without this addition, there are substantial limitations on skill point combinations, especially when a bounty hunter requires healing abilities to fight Jedi and other elite non-bounty hunter players. Adding this as another optional tree enables more skill point combinations for bounty hunter, which not only incentivizes the creation of more bounty hunters, but also makes for a stronger counter towards Jedi without having to further nerf the Jedi profession.
To promote additional skill point flexibility and combinations with regards to bounty hunter.
Have X4XX in medic (the "combat" line of medic) be another optional path to unlocking bounty hunter.
I believe this would cause balancing issues with making BH too powerful. It would cause an additional overlap with Combat Medic requirements, meaning a CM/BH would have an additional 14sp to spend elsewhere, which is a full line in another tree. Pre-patch there was a desire to move away from CM combining with everything. BH post-patch now tends to combine with everything, so creating more overlap for BH or CM is probably not going to go over well balance-wise.
I wholly disagree. Medic X4XX leads directly to Combat Medic 4xxx. Getting CM 4xxx is a build choice. The current Bounty Hunter pre-reqs are just fine.
How about increase the cost per box in BH, after all you want balance. It sounds like you just want even more power, the changes are already making it much harder to kill BH. At the current set up, I could take master pistoler, master CH, and some healing while still having the line of investigation.

Adding CM as an option, you could break BHs even worse
I propose an alternative.

Combat Medic can be xx4x, or x4xx Medic and xxx4 Sharpshooter or 4xxx Brawler

Aka, they can be xx4x Medic and xxx4 Sharpshooter or 4xxx Brawler.

Or xx4xx Medic or 4xxx Scout.

Making them a new Hybrid Class I think is proper for CM, though they still need a ton of work.

A better way to phrase it..

Pick Two

x4xx Medic, xx4x Medic, xxx4 Scout, 4xxx Brawler, or xxx4 Sharpshooter.