Allow re-slicing of weapons *edit* and armor

Allow re-slicing of weapons *edit* and armor
This idea/suggestion is Open. You can respond to ask questions or discuss the idea and either vote it up or down if you believe it should or should not be implemented, respectively. Popular suggestions and ideas will be considered by the development team to become reality in-game.
Let us slice weapons and armor that have already been sliced, overwriting the original buff to the weapon/armor.
This will allow people to continue to use gear that may have been sliced with a less than optimal buff, either by mistake, or changing game environment. We can already rip out an exotic and replace it with another, a slice should be no different. Weapon smiths/armor smiths would not be hurt by this because the weapon/armor will still need to be replaced after it deteriorates. Side bonus to this is more business and need for smugglers.
Currently a weapon or armor is essentially bricked if it was sliced in a manner that is no longer useful. This could be caused by a game chance or update, or because you have gained game knowledge and wish to stat yourself differently. Especially with new parts from heroics and a changing combat meta, it would be immensely useful to be able to safely invest your credits into a weapon knowing you can re slice it if needed.
Open weapons and armor up to being re-sliced and save everyone the headache of having to shelve a good weapon/armor because the slice is longer relevant.
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Imo... Why stop at weapons? It would be a huge QoL to allow armor to be resliced too. Imagine giving your brand new 875hp suit to a Smuggler and they accidentally slice it wrong, there's no going back.

Maybe a weapon/armor re-slice can use up multiples of the lesser-used slicing mats.
Imo... Why stop at weapons? It would be a huge QoL to allow armor to be resliced too. Imagine giving your brand new 875hp suit to a Smuggler and they accidentally slice it wrong, there's no going back.

Maybe a weapon/armor re-slice can use up multiples of the lesser-used slicing mats.
I totally agree!!
I don't see how allowing a weapon to be resliced would impact the weaponsmithing/armorsmithing profession. Eventually, those items will all decay into broken status. While I don't see a concern, If there is a large enough concern, have the reslice remove some durability.
I don't think it would impact weapon/armor smithing at all. If anything, it could help.
I personally slice most of the weapons I make before putting them on a vendor. If someone was looking for a different slice, they could still pick up the weapon and then just overwrite it with whatever they wanted.
I don't think this would have much negative impact on weaponsmiths, because as people point out, weapons wear out so fast. With regards to armorsmith, I don't think I have had anyone come back to me for new armor after wanting a different slice, so this is probably a neutral impact for AS. There may be cases where it could impact WS/AS negatively, but I think the upside is worth it.
What if in re-slicing there is a POTENTIAL to auto decay...maybe 1%. It makes sense in a real world scenario that a slicer would need to deconstruct/"hack the system" thereby POTENTIALLY causing some miniscule damage.

This would then cause a real conundrum to the player...risk the decay for a different slice -or- roll with what you have?
That could be solved by adding a small fee to "rewire" (clear the slice) from the weapon or armor piece before proceeding with the new slice.
Yeah could easily make it require an npc vendor tool at the cost of 50k for armor pieces and 100k for weapons to reset it, and possibly cause some durability loss (5-10%?). Unlike crafting, that actually would sink some credits as it actively deletes credits from the game rather than just moving them around in the economy.
To "unslice" I would just make it require the smuggler tools we already have instead of putting new items in. Undo a slice with the same item it took to make it.