Open - Other - Allow waypoint colors to be set in map and onscreen waypoint monitor | Star Wars Galaxies Restoration

Open Other Allow waypoint colors to be set in map and onscreen waypoint monitor

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May 28, 2021
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London, UK
Allow waypoint colors to be set in map and onscreen waypoint monitor
Quality of Life change
Lazy :-)
A small QoL change would be to allow the same options for waypoints that can be set in the datapad - namely color change
I do not understand what you are asking here. If the waypoint's color has been changed on the datapad, it will display differently with the set color arrows on the screen.

Are you wanting the waypoint monitor HUD window to ALSO show the different colors? Is that the ask?

Not trying to be argumentative, just looking for clarity.
I do not understand what you are asking here. If the waypoint's color has been changed on the datapad, it will display differently with the set color arrows on the screen.

Are you wanting the waypoint monitor HUD window to ALSO show the different colors? Is that the ask?

Not trying to be argumentative, just looking for clarity.
No I am just asking to be able to change the colors in all these places. It's quicker ands more intuitive to use right click on the onscreen waypoint monitor for example
Not sure what you are asking either as you can already change the colors of waypoints if you want
I see so be able to have the color option added to the right click on the map. Sounds reasonable. ( I should really wake up before reading these).
I probably could have explained it better but yes the same functionality that is present in the datapad when you radial a waypoint should also available on the Planetary Map and the Onscreen Waypoint Navigator
It's ok. I believe the main issue for a lot of us is that WE understand what WE mean when WE say everyone else should too. I have this happen all the time at work.

I'll say something that makes perfectly good sense to me, but others aren't in my head listening to the reason/arguments I've had with myself to get where I am now.
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