Dant MO/Eisley Malls Stifle New Business

Dant MO/Eisley Malls Stifle New Business
This idea/suggestion has been flagged as Not Implemented because of a lack of popularity, lack of interest, lack of feasibility, or other determination by the Development Team, so the suggestion will not be implemented. Once a suggestion has been flagged this way, the decision is final. Although the issue may be raised again in the future after a six month cooldown. A response explanation from the Development Team can be found in the thread.
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Re-designing these malls to be for new crafters only, or removing them altogether, will increase competition in the market and reduce the crafter monopoly.
Allowing established crafters to have such massively prominent vendor locations prevents any new crafters from being competitive. There is zero reason for anyone to travel to a player city to buy goods when they can purchase them from Dant MO/Eisley Mall. Considering it is already a huge effort to craft server capped goods to compete to begin with, but much less effort to maintain, and there is no ability to differentiate/offer other USPs, this just makes it broadly pointless to compete.
The Malls stifle competition in the market place and prevent new crafters from an even playing field. It is already a challenge to compete with crafters who've stockpiles of millions of server best resources, and this would be fair and fun if not for the massive benefit the locations give.
Mos Eisley, Coronet and Dant MO Malls give an unfair advantage to those who need it the least, the seasoned crafters, and so stifles competition in the marketplace.
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This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Thanks for your suggestion! It comes at an interesting time because my thinking around the offerings has evolved as well. Etinoca Realty, as a whole, is undergoing some changes that are directly related to this. Namely, that we intend to allow Etinoca purchases and plots long-term for cosmetic purposes only. There’s still an ongoing discussion regarding how we’ll deal with the existing purchases operating as malls. This is also related to some other ongoing discussions around the design of Mos Eisley and the role of player cities at large, which we’ll have more to share on in an upcoming developer diary.

However, as a general note: the data does not support your conclusion. We’ve does two years of longitudinal studies on the purchasing patterns and behavior of players in relation to Oasis specifically versus other vendors. The higher a value of a good is directly correlated with a lower likelihood of using the mall. The only items we see breakthrough purchase variance with is common goods, like food.

I’m going to close this post because it isn’t actionable at this time, but the development team will have future announcements on the subject.
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