Diversity in Squad Leader single target buffs

Diversity in Squad Leader single target buffs
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Galactic Senator
My proposal is for the 4 single target Squad Leader buffs: High Yield, Toughen, Combat Feint, and Verbal Assault to be on separate cooldowns from each other but NOT be stackable on the same player.
The justification for this is that we will see the other squad leader buffs used more often which creates more utility and usefulness for squad leader in both PvE and PvP.
The problem is that right now, there is no reason ever to use any of the other 3 buffs over High Yield. 25% more damage for 10 minutes is insanely strong and overshadows the other 3 buffs significantly.
-My proposal is for the 4 single target Squad Leader buffs: High Yield, Toughen, Combat Feint, and Verbal Assault to be on separate cooldowns from each other but NOT be stackable on the same player. Allow for the squad leader to put all 4 buffs on different members of the group without having to wait for the 10 minute cooldown of the last single target buff they cast to end, also ending their previous single target buff. The used buffs should still have their 10 minute cooldown but using a single buff should not put the other 3 on cooldown.

-The problem is that right now, there is no reason ever to use any of the other 3 buffs over High Yield. 25% more damage for 10 minutes is insanely strong and overshadows the other 3 buffs significantly. Verbal Assault and Combat Feint would be very handy in PvE and Toughen would be very handy in both PvP and PvE. However they are put on cooldown when High Yield is used to buff someone, preventing these buffs for ever being used. This is because the single target buffs that squad leader has have a 10 minute duration while also having a 10 minute cooldown. This creates little to no reason for the other 3 buffs at all right now.

-The justification for this is that we will see the other squad leader buffs used more often which creates more utility and usefulness for squad leader in both PvE and PvP. Squad Leader has an array of buffs at their disposal but very few are worth using. This should not effect things negatively in PvP because both sides have access to squad leaders that can apply these buffs and in PvE it will make things such as threat generation much easier for people to keep track of and manage.
Voting on this suggestion has been paused.

HY+CF should be merged, high damage + aggro reduction
THN+VA should be merged, tank + aggro

it's because they matter so little that consolidation makes the most sense. I still agree with your post, because HY will never be replaced by any of the three, but if you want both both should be nerfed.

Which I really don't mind, because 25% is too big and hard to balance.

HY alone might be the reason Snipers get nerfed again if it isn't looked at as one-shotting someone isn't fun gameplay, and I don't think they deserve that as it will just put the next thing on the chopping block.
Overall, I think the Squad Leader class needs a bit of work. I'm not saying nerfs or boosts, just some quality of life and ease of function.

I'd like to see the short duration buffs perhaps tied to an attack by the SL themselves.
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