Open - Hybrid - Space - Force Sensitive - PvP - Do not allow travel while force cloaked | Star Wars Galaxies Restoration

Open Hybrid Space Force Sensitive PvP Do not allow travel while force cloaked

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Dec 31, 2022
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Make the jedi be uncloaked for at least x seconds before using a travel terminal.
Force cloak is already a strong ability to easily lose someone chasing you, even while in combat. It is very simple to do, especially if you have force run 2 or higher to gain the very little required distance. They also have desync/lag to their advantage to gain more distance and turn on force cloak, even with someone really trying to stay on top of them. At that point, they are pretty much safe and can escape any tough situation where others would not have.
Bounty hunters spend time and money dropping arakyd droids, then seeker droids, only to find a target that can escape them without any counter. Even if BH's or PVPers engage a powers jedi in combat, throw dots on them, etc., there is nothing stopping a force powers jedi from cloaking and traveling far away untouched.

If they had to uncloak for a few seconds before using the travel terminal (which should still be enough time for the jedi to escape because the chasers do not even really know where they are), it would at least allow folks to damage and apply dots that prevent them from traveling, as well as be strategic in having someone patrol the nearest travel terminal.

I'm not against force cloaking, because it drains force use and puts your force management to the test. It makes the chasers work to hunt you....but it should not be an ability to make you immune from shuttling your way out, especially to the ranch.
Powers Jedi are able to travel to the ranch or anywhere they want while under force cloak (invisible).
Just curious how often you have used Force Cloak and especially in the situations you describe?

At that point, they are pretty much safe and can escape any tough situation where others would not have.

Which is why they are Jedi, Alpha Class and higher bounties...

engage a powers jedi in combat, throw dots on them, etc., there is nothing stopping a force powers jedi from cloaking and traveling far away untouched.

What? Are you saying while standing next to you with Dots on them and fighting they use Force Cloak and get away?
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Alot of powers jedi use it everytime they get hunted so it happends alot
I did not ask that and that is one of the things they are supposed to use to stay hidden and get away.
Wait until we have player Inquisitor Jedi hunting other Jedi and using Force Cloak to sneak up on them ...should be some fun and some fun PV's come about then.
Just curious how often you have used Force Cloak and especially in the situations you describe?

What? Are you saying while standing next to you with Dots on them and fighting they use Force Cloak and get away?
I've used Force Cloak a lot , even spun my sabers jedi powers to test this because it was happening frequently.

No, not saying they are standing. I called out the distance requirement and how easy it is to get it:
" It is very simple to do, especially if you have force run 2 or higher to gain the very little required distance. They also have desync/lag to their advantage to gain more distance and turn on force cloak, even with someone really trying to stay on top of them. "
Even if BH's or PVPers engage a powers jedi in combat, throw dots on them, etc., there is nothing stopping a force powers jedi from cloaking and traveling far away untouched.

I asked because of the above comment you made. Being able to Force Run away and cloak once clear is different than what you wrote. It reads like they can cloak while fighting with dots and then travel away.

I called out the distance requirement and how easy it is to get it:

So are you upset about the Force Run or the Cloak or both? Just reads like you are upset they can escape. They are an Alpha Class and meant to be the most challenging. Again what about when player Inquisitors get here? Then the FR and Cloak flips and can be used by the hunter to hunt them.

as well as be strategic in having someone patrol the nearest travel terminal.

So if you are not doing that, especially on a place like Musty the issue may be your style rather than the game. BH normies are supposed to have it very difficult to get Jedi. Also try the cloak some more. It breaks at times and usually at the worse possible time and the more people around the more likely to break and more drain it produces.
I asked because of the above comment you made. Being able to Force Run away and cloak once clear is different than what you wrote. It reads like they can cloak while fighting with dots and then travel away.
I didn't say you force run away and cloak once clear. I can literally be shooting you, bleeds, fire dot, etc. and your are in combat with me, but if you get ~20m (not sure exact number but it's very short distance) away, it gets you out of combat and cloaks. Have you tried force running away from a normy before? It's not that hard to get that distance, especially w/ desync.

Yes, i know with more ppl around you that your force drains. But It's not that hard to keep it on and avoid ppl if you run towards outside the city and find a shuttle port.

I don't mind the alpha class part or force cloak part - it's the additional advantage of being able to flee while cloaked with no stopping them.
I didn't say you force run away and cloak once clear. I can literally be shooting you, bleeds, fire dot, etc. and your are in combat with me, but if you get ~20m (not sure exact number but it's very short distance) away, it gets you out of combat and cloaks. Have you tried force running away from a normy before? It's not that hard to get that distance, especially w/ desync.

Yes, i know with more ppl around you that your force drains. But It's not that hard to keep it on and avoid ppl if you run towards outside the city and find a shuttle port.

I don't mind the alpha class part or force cloak part - it's the additional advantage of being able to flee while cloaked with no stopping them.
Exactly and that is the point of having Force Run and Cloak (and stasis and etc) so you can get away and cloak. Stay hidden, hide, run away....that is the point. Basically it sounds like you don't like the hunt/chase part and want them to change it so that once found it is fight or die for the Jedi with no option to use Alpha Class skills to escape (which is really what they are supposed to do.) And you don't mind the force cloak part except when it is used like it is supposed to be used for the pvp part of the game. And there are ways to stop them just ask in the pvp channel.
And these same things you want to nerf now others are going to want to use later for the Inquisitor. Having Force Run and Cloak as an Inquisitor hunting Jedi will be quite interesting and fun to try out.

EDIT - To be fair if they only did what you suggest Make the jedi be uncloaked for at least x seconds before using a travel terminal. I would be fine with that part either way. Just as long as it didnt lead to nerfing other parts.
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It sounds like you don't know how to interpret how others feel about things as all your assumptions were incorrect lol.

No where have I asked to nerf force cloak or any jedi...

I've been answering your questions about how cloak currently works, can it be on with dots, standing vs running, experience with cloak, do i believe should be alpha class, etc, taking me off topic 😆

I'm glad you brought it back home though with my original ask...this PV is about not letting cloaked jedi use the terminals, ITVs, etc without uncloaking first.
It sounds like you don't know how to interpret how others feel about things as all your assumptions were incorrect lol.

No where have I asked to nerf force cloak or any jedi...

I've been answering your questions about how cloak currently works, can it be on with dots, standing vs running, experience with cloak, do i believe should be alpha class, etc, taking me off topic 😆

I'm glad you brought it back home though with my original ask...this PV is about not letting cloaked jedi use the terminals, ITVs, etc without uncloaking first.
They were not inccorect just reading the words you wrote and asking questions about them to see where you where at and to make sure I understood correctly. It is called discussion or even debate and rather than try to ding someone with your first sentence here maybe you should try to get it yourself and say aaah the process worked and he agreed with me cause hey not everyone on the planet reads, writes and understands intent and such on written internet words. And much of what you said was either wrong or sounded like a typical BH whining about Jedi for the millionth time in this game so I did the courtesy of trying to understand ALL of what you wrote and not just the first piece. My apologies for thinking that it is best to try to see and understand your point to make sure if I was wrong or right or as it turned out somewhere in between. Oh and technically you are kinda asking for a nerf if Make the jedi be uncloaked for at least x seconds before using a travel terminal. thoiugh now you say PV is about not letting cloaked jedi use the terminals, ITVs, etc without uncloaking first. which is different. So let me sum up -

Bounty hunters spend time and money dropping arakyd droids, then seeker droids, only to find a target that can escape them without any counter. Even if BH's or PVPers engage a powers jedi in combat, throw dots on them, etc., there is nothing stopping a force powers jedi from cloaking and traveling far away untouched.

Not needed whining and partially incorrect.

If they had to uncloak for a few seconds before using the travel terminal (which should still be enough time for the jedi to escape because the chasers do not even really know where they are), it would at least allow folks to damage and apply dots that prevent them from traveling

You say still should be enough time to escape then turn around and say it would allow them to stop them escaping....If I can escape because you don't know where I am I can travel as well....confusing -

Anyways there, summed up, brought home and thanks for being gracious and reminding me this is the net where being gracious goes to die. (Edit -FYI the ITV already has a timer so that is a NO for the ITV which you did not say in the original PV).
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Okay, thanks for your questions/input.

Ps - I meant static ITVs In public structures/homes.
I found out today that Force Cloak can also be used while receiving damage and in the middle of combat, as long as the user is more than 20m away, which is a little bit ridiculous considering 20m is easy to get to even without Force Run. I think in addition to not being able to instant travel while Cloaked, the force cost of using Cloak to escape active combat should be much higher.

To be clear, using Cloak to avoid combat or to sneak up on a target shouldn't have an extra force cost. But being able to repeatedly use it as a get out of jail free card with no counters (as we saw in mos eisley today) isn't balanced either, in my opinion
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I found out today that Force Cloak can also be used while receiving damage and in the middle of combat, as long as the user is more than 20m away, which is a little bit ridiculous considering 20m is easy to get to even without Force Run. I think in addition to not being able to instant travel while Cloaked, the force cost of using Cloak to escape active combat should be much higher.

To be clear, using Cloak to avoid combat or to sneak up on a target shouldn't have an extra force cost. But being able to repeatedly use it as a get out of jail free card with no counters (as we saw in mos eisley today) isn't balanced either, in my opinion
That doesn't sound right. You shouldn't be able to cloak while still in combat regardless of distance. (I disagree it should be higher since you are not supposed to be able to use it while in combat unless they changed it to that.)

If you can use it while in combat they should change that.
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