Dual bladed hilt on GCW

Dual bladed hilt on GCW
This idea/suggestion is Open. You can respond to ask questions or discuss the idea and either vote it up or down if you believe it should or should not be implemented, respectively. Popular suggestions and ideas will be considered by the development team to become reality in-game.
include dual blade hilt on GCW
hilts appear as style and as such inconsequential to statistics, reducing player agency & thematic build design where there is already largely limiting factors to cosmetic option.
allow full player agency in style and drip
Presently only 1h & 2h hilts available on GCW
Not sure why hilts are even on GCW, PVE sabers outside Sher Khar are 100 times more effort to get and have to be on at least hard or nightmare to get them. Even then no guaretee of a drop. Can we please stop giving so much to the pvp side of the game with a much easier way to get things. Look at the special Jedi Crstals. The Lava crystal take a tremendous about of farming, Bondars, I know spelt it wrong is even more of a nightmare, the effort to get them with GCW is a mere fraction of the effort, Banes heart is gone and Sunstriders is gone.