Open - GCW - Entertainer - GCW Mini Game | Star Wars Galaxies Restoration

Open GCW Entertainer - GCW Mini Game

This idea/suggestion is Open. You can respond to ask questions or discuss the idea and either vote it up or down if you believe it should or should not be implemented, respectively. Popular suggestions and ideas will be considered by the development team to become reality in-game.
Aug 18, 2022
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Entertainers use their talents to gain access to high-ranking officials on both sides of the GCW as part of a new intel gathering mini game. Which would ultimately lead to a new flow of repeatable content for combat players of both factions.
Bounty Hunters and Smugglers are currently the only professions to have specific mini games tied to them and these are proven to be popular amongst players. This idea would be an opportunity to build on the GCW by offering new ways to take part.
I believe all professions should have access to a mini game that not only enables them to take part in the GCW, but one that creates a sustainable stream of repeatable content for others.
How it could work:

When an Entertainer is buffing they will be presented with a new option to "schmooze" the listener/watcher mid-buff. If schmoozing is accepted by the player, this will enable the Ent to apply additional points to their buff (maybe a 25pt buff?) in exchange for this, the Ent is awarded a piece of GCW intelligence which is deposited in the Ent's inventory as a new consumable data-disk item.


What happens with the intel disks?

Option 1:
Entertainers can choose to sell this to an NPC for credits such as to a Bothan Information Broker for any Imperial Intel or an ISB agent for any Rebel Intel. These would function like a Junk Dealer and might be found in places like the Imperial Outpost on Dantooine.

Option 2: Entertainers can collect information until all 5 pieces are gathered. This can then be combined into a single disk which is tradable to other players (for free or for credits) and once activated will unlock a group level mission to Yavin IV or Endor to take on a Factional PvE Base.

GCW Risk vs Reward

There would need to be an element of risk in this for the Entertainer and whilst it would be overkill to add them to the BH terminals for selling info, perhaps there are other risk vs reward opportunities that could be deployed to add an element of excitement and danger.
I like this idea.

For a Risk on the Ent's part, they could lose some access to a cantina for a while. "The owner doesn't want the trouble Ent brings in" kind-of thing. Or, they run the risk of getting 'bad' intel and lose faction standing/ability to do the 25 point buff, etc.

I think it would be fun. It would be great if it could tie into the BH and Smuggy missions too.
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I like the idea of giving a valuable item to the entertainer while they buff. I think it's important to think how it can be abused.

Also, I don't really agree with ban them of the cantina for a time, I think it's even more overkill than showing them on the BH terminal, but they could probably get a small debuff like 19 pts instead of 20 or whatever. I'm not even sure we need to punish this way because entertainers are very important for players.

But the idea of a side effect is exciting.
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The idea of banning from a cantina was more for a roleplay idea. It was just the first thing that came to my mind.

I really like the idea of this. Especially if/when publish 2.0 comes out with the criminal syndicate stuff.
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Reactions: Versatti and Yougz
Personally, I think a cantina lockout and reduced point buffing penalty is probably too harsh. So maybe it can lock you out of the mini game for x period of time if you’re caught with the data disks.

This could work If the crackdown cantina troops got switched back on (post some kind of makeover) and the data-disks are treated as contraband by those NPC?

It would be RP to arrest the entertainer, put them in a detention centre that friendly players would then need to break them out from. But yeah I’m being ridiculous with that one. 😄

With the "cantina ban", I was thinking, at most, an hour or so. Enough to make it "risky" but not enough to hamper gameplay.

With Smuggler, if you fail the mission, you lose credits and faction points (and probably were incapped by NPCs or BHs which lead to the failure). So, the same level of 'risk' should be associated with the Ent failing/getting caught.
I am with the cantina ban, but just for that specific cantina. They could go to another cantina and be fine. Maybe for 1-6 hours.