Expand qualifiers to report a Jedi

Expand qualifiers to report a Jedi
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Expand qualifiers to "report a jedi" to include force powers
I think normal civvies or passerby's would be quite alarmed by someone running incredibly fast with lightning coming out of their feet, or meditating with electricity around them. In canon, wouldn't anyone suspicious of someone using the force report them? Even if they were not jedi? People reported babies and children to the Empire if they were suspected of using the force or some magic after Order 66.
Right now it seems report a jedi only qualifies to lightsabers or combat. This has brought the use of force powers to Mos Eisley and other cities, and people cannot report said force users. Opening this up to force sensitives or the use of force powers would be a bit more close to canon and discourage the use of force powers in public even more. Considering at the moment it takes an entire group of BH to take down a Jedi used to PvP, this would at least return some more non-full jedi player bounties to the board.
As it is now, qualifiers seem to be only Lightsaber use
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When a Jedi uses any ability they have that has force powers, it sends a timestamp to every character in range that has line of sight to the Jedi, and they then have a timed period in which they can use the report command. This is separate from the ability to report a Jedi if they have a lightsaber equipped. As far as I can tell, the feature you are describing already exists.

The 1.2.1 Patch Notes also explain this:
  • Players can report a Jedi using the “Report a Jedi” command that has been added for all players. Reports can be filed for 60 seconds after they witness a Jedi perform any Jedi-related action, and for an optional fee can add extra visibility (4x). Players can only report a specific Jedi once every five minutes. Reports can be filed simultaneously if witnessing multiple Jedi.
I think the issue is that a player can use a force buff(some are more visible like run, others less like armor). Then 5min later they can be running around and not reportable while going mach 5 through the cantina.
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I see. Would need a list of the long-lasting buffs that affect players in a way we think should be prone to reporting more long term.
Yes I think Shintu is right and thanks for clearing things up, that some force powers are more visible like force run. Same for I believe meditate, or whatever the force equivalent for that is, as there is lightning just arcing out around them. As I am not jedi I am not sure of all the visible force powers that are lasting unfortunately.

However I just noticed TKM has an ability that also looks like force run? odd
Yes I think Shintu is right and thanks for clearing things up, that some force powers are more visible like force run. Same for I believe meditate, or whatever the force equivalent for that is, as there is lightning just arcing out around them. As I am not jedi I am not sure of all the visible force powers that are lasting unfortunately.

However I just noticed TKM has an ability that also looks like force run? odd
Alot of players have the unlock meditate from the holocron's and you see the trails but they are not Jedi. The Jedi Meditate version applies a buff. Damage, Conserve force, and Healing. This will be reportable if you see them doing it and and all NPC's will start giving vis to the Jedi so most will not apply this buff around anyone they don't trust.
This is just my personal opinion but I think buffs should be left alone. In fact I would like to see buffs become invisible to other players, and only visible to you. I think nit picking things all the way down to the buffs jedi use is just plain silly. For that matter you could argue that some buffs/abilities that certain other professions use could be deemed "illegal" if you really want to go down that rabbit hole. I say we keep it simple though. I agree it's childish and annoying seeing someone force running all over the place without getting vis, but this idea of nit picking it all the way down to buffs seems absurd.
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