Open - Other - Combat - Flavor of the elder buff for mastering every profession in the game [[ Not Including jedi ]] | Star Wars Galaxies Restoration

Open Other Combat Flavor of the elder buff for mastering every profession in the game [[ Not Including jedi ]]

This idea/suggestion is Open. You can respond to ask questions or discuss the idea and either vote it up or down if you believe it should or should not be implemented, respectively. Popular suggestions and ideas will be considered by the development team to become reality in-game.
Dec 16, 2021
Reaction score
I purpose to give players that master every profession in the game excluding Jedi the buff "Flavor of the elder buff" along with the title "Elder" as a reward for grinding out every profession in the game either fully unlocked once you finish it or a slowly stacking buff the more you unlock so if you master 4 you get +2 to all stats until you master them all to get the title and the full +10 or +25 to all stats

The amount can be adjusted it is not to be a MUST have but a nice to have
What is the justification for making this specific change and how will it impact the affected parties?

It would get people to do more spin groups and a goal to maybe learn more about the game they may not normally touch.

The impact I am not looking for much maybe like a +10 to all stats maybe +25 with a player title so it won't be to overpowered but still give something as a reward for players that wish to do it.
What is motivating this suggestion? To reward people who master every profession even with the boosted XP is something that is worthy of something for a reward and while Ace of Aces give more space reward it gives nothing to people who like the ground game

What is the problem? that now we have "Ace of Aces" Let us get something for people who like to spin and do ground stuff. The biggest issue I see with my suggestion is to try to make sure it isn't a MUST have but a reward that can help out.
Please see my Proposal for more details.