- Proposal
- Currently as a Master Underworld Smuggler if you take the missions from Russell at Trade SP. Dathomir they will give (PvE 50K and 5x Slicing components) or ( 100K PvP and 10x Slicing components)
These mission take a minimum of 10-15 mins - more if PvP and a lot more if PvP space missions
- Justification
- If as a Master Smuggler I slice and do faction missions in a IJM city I get 40-45K reward and can complete them within a few minutes with very little effort.
Yes I understand we get Slicing components that can be added to the total reward calculation but still the effort/reward seems way off. I could do a lot of faction quests way quicker for way more money with way less risk. If the smuggler mission involves space the quest doesn't scale with players own ability. You could be a a novice fighter and be up against Tier 4 ships. Not achievable.
- Motivation
- Reason to do Underworld missions which is an integral part of being a smuggler
Master Underworld smuggling missions need better pay-outs to be worthwhile