Increased Token Drops in Heroics

Increased Token Drops in Heroics
This idea/suggestion is Open. You can respond to ask questions or discuss the idea and either vote it up or down if you believe it should or should not be implemented, respectively. Popular suggestions and ideas will be considered by the development team to become reality in-game.


Galactic Senator
My proposal is to increase the amount of Heroic tokens issued from completing a Nightmare Mode Heroic from 1 to 2. Currently all difficulties issue 1 token this change suggests doubling that on this difficulty.
This change would reward players more consistently for clearing the content on harder difficulties, encouraging guilds to commit more to progression of said content. The loot drops are very inconsistent and having a consistent reward for completing nightmare mode will provide more incentive for these modes.
Currently, there is not really a reason to do nightmare mode. You may get more/better loot but the drops are so inconsistent you could commit to a long and difficult run and be rewarded with almost nothing valuable in return. This change will make doing nightmare mode more appealing to run.
My proposal is to increase the amount of Heroic tokens issued from completing a Nightmare Mode Heroic from 1 to 2. Currently all difficulties issue 1 token this change suggests doubling that on this difficulty.

This change would reward players more consistently for clearing the content on harder difficulties, encouraging guilds to commit more to progression of said content. The loot drops are very inconsistent and having a consistent reward for completing nightmare mode will provide more incentive for these modes.

Currently, there is not really a reason to do nightmare mode. You may get more/better loot but the drops are so inconsistent you could commit to a long and difficult run and be rewarded with almost nothing valuable in return. This change will make doing nightmare mode more appealing to run.
Absolutely agree with this. The comp requirements for nightmare are quite restrictive and the loot pool is incredibly wide which can leave it feeling a bit deflating in a lot of cases. It's a risk to run nightmare and it should be rewarded appropriately.
Not while you can throw as many jedi into it as you want. Until limits on jedi are imposed then none of them should be giving extra anything.
Frankly higher difficulties need to have an inherent chance increase ratio of the more sought after drops, at very least on NM guaranteeing one of the top end drops to be rewarded