MagSeal containers & smugglers

MagSeal containers & smugglers
This idea/suggestion is Open. You can respond to ask questions or discuss the idea and either vote it up or down if you believe it should or should not be implemented, respectively. Popular suggestions and ideas will be considered by the development team to become reality in-game.
  1. MagSeal containers should spawn in a few tiers
    • Tier 1 (common): MagSeal (Unlocked) - this tier can drop 1-2 junk items from the loot table of the nearby enemies protecting it
      • It's unlocked, what do you expect? Still, one man's junk...
    • Tier 2 (uncommon): MagSeal (Locked) - this tier can drop 2-4 junk items from the loot table of the nearby enemies protecting it as well as a handful of credits appropriate to the level of the area
      • This tier requires Novice Smuggler check to use the 'Slicing: Container' ability to unlock
    • Tier 3 (rare): MagSeal (Masterlocked) - this tier can drop 4-6 junk items from the loot table of the nearby enemies protecting it as well as a large amount of credits appropriate to the level of the area
      • This tier requires Master Smuggler check to use the 'Slicing: Container' ability to unlock or a 'MagSafe Crack Key' (see alternative below; still benefits Smugglers)
      • This tier has a chance to drop a rare one-time use schematic called 'Schematic: MagSafe Crack Key (contraband)'
  2. Smuggler should do shady stuff
    • Schematic: MagSafe Crack Key (contraband)
    • The schematic itself is non-tradeable and may only be used by the Smuggler who looted it, hence the contraband title
    • This item has X amount of charges (based on resource quality) and allows the user to unlock Masterlocked MagSeal containers typically only unlockable by Master Smugglers
      • Uses Artisan sub-component electronics and Copper (CD/OQ)
  • The MagSeal containers exist now in game but are unused.
  • The intent is to have it as a low-level non-complex system
    • "I mean, it's right there in the name! Slicing: Containers!" - concerned voting smuggler
  • This will thematically fit well with Smuggler as well as offering more uses for the 'Slicing: Containers' radial ability gained at Novice Smuggler.
    • "Sure would fit nicely in a Smuggler's cantina to have a guy in the corner selling you spoofed access codes." - entrepreneurial smuggler seeking new product
  • This is also in line with current design philosophy of the Ranger ability 'Steal' found in the Stealth & Subterfuge III: Deceptive skill block that will attempt to steal junk that would normally be found on that enemy type.
    • "A smuggler isn't necessarily a thief, but he'll get the goods one way or another" - anonymous mercenary
  • This doesn't introduce a higher chance of rare junk appearing, only making junk drops selectively more available for class fantasy and mechanic functionality
I've been in quite a few bunkers, caves, and research labs with these containers found all over the place. As it stands, if they're going to be unused we may as well remove them! Love to hear some input.
Currently in the many caves and subterranean bases found throughout the game are empty and otherwise unused MagSeal containers.
I know they have said they have the Syndicate Swell coming for Smugglers with neat stuff so maybe this is or could be part of it or something like it. Smugglers need some content loving.

    • The Syndicate Swell is supposed to be coming (from June roadmap)The Syndicate Swell and Nar Shaddaa: With 2.0, dive into a new criminality system, led by Smugglers with opportunities for criminality or heroism, with potentially dire consequences. Nar Shaddaa will be the new home for this criminal underwodld in a series of unfolding updates.
I'd just be happy if they had occasionally good loot in them (the mag-seal containers), would make going back to explore POIs worthwhile and much more interesting!
Currently in the many caves and subterranean bases found throughout the game are empty and otherwise unused MagSeal containers.

  1. Smuggler should do shady stuff
    • Schematic: MagSafe Crack Key (contraband)
    • The schematic itself is non-tradeable and may only be used by the Smuggler who looted it, hence the contraband title
    • This item has X amount of charges (based on resource quality) and allows the user to unlock Masterlocked MagSeal containers typically only unlockable by Master Smugglers
      • Uses Artisan sub-component electronics and Copper (CD/OQ)
Two points here:
Why non-trade? I'd think the point would be to sell the key to non-smugglers so they could open the locked containers? The smuggler capable of looting the schem for the key is not going to need the key.
Two, if it takes artisan to make, and it is no-trade, how is a smuggler going to make it?
  1. Smuggler should do shady stuff
    • Schematic: MagSafe Crack Key (contraband)
    • The schematic itself is non-tradeable and may only be used by the Smuggler who looted it, hence the contraband title
    • This item has X amount of charges (based on resource quality) and allows the user to unlock Masterlocked MagSeal containers typically only unlockable by Master Smugglers
      • Uses Artisan sub-component electronics and Copper (CD/OQ)
Two points here:
Why non-trade? I'd think the point would be to sell the key to non-smugglers so they could open the locked containers? The smuggler capable of looting the schem for the key is not going to need the key.
Two, if it takes artisan to make, and it is no-trade, how is a smuggler going to make it?
Sorry, maybe it's a little confusing with how I phrased it. The schematic being no-trade means a smuggler has to find it first themselves (ie, another player can't just hand the schematic off). A Master Smuggler doesn't need the key, only the master cert to unlock even the highest chest.

The schematic itself only uses some artisan electronics (just some small crafting interdependency) but is still crafted by the smuggler.