Make Vehicle Deeds Reflect the Generated Vehicle

Make Vehicle Deeds Reflect the Generated Vehicle
This idea/suggestion is Open. You can respond to ask questions or discuss the idea and either vote it up or down if you believe it should or should not be implemented, respectively. Popular suggestions and ideas will be considered by the development team to become reality in-game.
Change all vehicle deeds to look like their generated counterpart instead of the current generic square puck.
This is already a thing specifically with the Flare-S Speeder, But it would be helpful for searching a desired vehicle if you could see the what the vehicle will look like once generated. Also, it never hurts to have more items for decoration!
My personal motivation probably lays more on the decoration side, but there have been plenty of times I had to google what a specific deed looked like so this would help new and old players alike.
Have all vehicle schematics look like their generated version instead of a small generic square puck.


  • flaresdeed.png
    951.1 KB · Views: 24
  • swoopdeed.png
    294.4 KB · Views: 23
Yea - I like this idea a lot. Great improvement for people who may not be familiar with the different types of vehicles and what they look like. Great suggestion!
Just hoping this doesn't get lost in the ether while there is still interest in improving vehicles in general. Thanks for all your support!
I would like to see this. It adds immersion. Only downside I could see is it could possibly cheapen the Vehicle Garage as that is the primary trait of that structure. (if that is on this server :) ).
The TCG Vehicle Garage is not available (yet) But I know for me at least it wouldn't cheapen it. It's my most desired building regardless of if this change, which had more pro's than just for decoration were to be implemented.