Master Tailors Should Craft Clothing Recolor Kits

Master Tailors Should Craft Clothing Recolor Kits
This idea/suggestion is Open. You can respond to ask questions or discuss the idea and either vote it up or down if you believe it should or should not be implemented, respectively. Popular suggestions and ideas will be considered by the development team to become reality in-game.
Enable master tailors to craft clothing recolor kits. If there is still a desire to have the recolor kits remain rare, the recolor kits can be made up of rare tailor components that randomly appear when crafting any tailor item (low percentage occurrence with RNG). If the goal is to improve quality of life by making the item as common as armor color kits, then no need to have them be made of rare components.
This change improves design diversification for clothing and quality of life -- enabling players to express their own unique color styles in the tradition of Sabine Wren. To enhance the tailor profession, another profession (like droid engineer) that is sidelined and not profitable compared to armorsmith and weaponsmith. Adding this item will give the tailor a consumable item to sell, increasing their profit margins.
To reasonably increase the profitability of tailor, thereby incentivizing more players to make a tailor and to promote player style and expression.
Enable master tailors to craft clothing recolor kits.
I'll share a bit of context around our thinking on this:

Our original position was that we wanted the color kits to be exceptionally rare (that is, they were only available as a reward for participating in the costume contest) because Tailors otherwise would lose business if a player decides they wanted to change their clothing style, since currently if you want a different color you need to get it crafted by a Tailor. Tailors also don't have repeat business in the same way Armorsmiths do because decay doesn't affect clothing.

We recently, however, added the recolor kits to the returning player awards as a promotional incentive and we've seen really positive results from this. The senate's economic viability task force is working to identify how we should address the more significant issues related to making sure Tailors can actively be engaged in the marketplace and routinely contribute to items that are sold, and we're still carefully evaluating those proposals and options (i.e., we haven't made any decisions yet).

So I'm happy to leave this open for commentary that may influence our direction, but we likely won't make them craftable items because we favor Tailors getting to make new clothes or Tailors being involved in the dye process (e.g., one idea we've floated is a "coloring session" you could see a Tailor for that would be like Image Designer but for your clothes).
Tailors being involved in the dye process (e.g., one idea we've floated is a "coloring session" you could see a Tailor for that would be like Image Designer but for your clothes).

Love that idea ! Sorry not trying to take away from the post but that piece sounds great.
I'll share a bit of context around our thinking on this:

Our original position was that we wanted the color kits to be exceptionally rare (that is, they were only available as a reward for participating in the costume contest) because Tailors otherwise would lose business if a player decides they wanted to change their clothing style, since currently if you want a different color you need to get it crafted by a Tailor. Tailors also don't have repeat business in the same way Armorsmiths do because decay doesn't affect clothing.

We recently, however, added the recolor kits to the returning player awards as a promotional incentive and we've seen really positive results from this. The senate's economic viability task force is working to identify how we should address the more significant issues related to making sure Tailors can actively be engaged in the marketplace and routinely contribute to items that are sold, and we're still carefully evaluating those proposals and options (i.e., we haven't made any decisions yet).

So I'm happy to leave this open for commentary that may influence our direction, but we likely won't make them craftable items because we favor Tailors getting to make new clothes or Tailors being involved in the dye process (e.g., one idea we've floated is a "coloring session" you could see a Tailor for that would be like Image Designer but for your clothes).

Ah got it, thank you. New clothing would be great. And yes, I agree, a coloring session is a good idea too.
All I want for Tailor RN is extended palettes and with some form of clothing kit it would be cool.
I love the idea of a tailor being able to recolor clothing like the way an image designer can dye hair. I would also love if the color swatches were available across the board on all items. I'd settle for new craftable clothing items though.
I agree with a coloring session, but would also like to put forth a tailor use only dye vat? player trades article to Tailor, who then either calls droid with vat or goes to stand at one {public and private use} to recolor.
I would prefer that tailors just get the full color palette during crafting that you would get with a clothing recolor kit. The most egregious example of this is with craftable Alliance Ace Pilot helmets - the palette you get during crafting is a fraction of the palette you get when using a recolor kit.
A full palette on everything of course would be desirable, but being able to visit a Tailor to recolor your items is an extremely viable idea. It is often hard to find the color you want on the item you want. Perhaps allow the extended palette to be available during these sessions.
I personally would have liked a kit but a color session makes even more sense and to keep economy flowing, make it like customization on bikes and droids, limited use before it defaults back to the original color.
Man, some really great ideas flowing around here. Lovin' it! ☺️ Though, I think it would be good have the fade time of clothing quite a bit slower than vehicles though, since you would have to break from playing and go see a tailor to redye instead of having a portable paint kit like vehicles do. However, no-trade and no-trade shared items should not fade.
Another really neat feature would be if the dye vat was a container, so the tailor could put multiple items into it and dye a batch of clothes the same color all at once.
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The tank could be credit-operated like the insurance machine. pozitiv
If you mean that the players could access the vat and dye their own clothes for a fixed price, I could possibly get behind that. It certainly would allow the tailor more time to do other things, in addition to providing some passive income, but it would *have* to be free to use for the tailor themselves. That being said, going that route would also limit the social interaction between tailors and their customers, and I'm not so fond of that because I like adding that "personal touch" to all the jobs I take on. So, all in all, I'd have to say I'm on the fence about having a dye vat that is customer operated, leaning toward the more personal touch.
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If you mean that the players could access the vat and dye their own clothes for a fixed price, I could possibly get behind that. It certainly would allow the tailor more time to do other things, in addition to providing some passive income, but it would *have* to be free to use for the tailor themselves. That being said, going that route would also limit the social interaction between tailors and their customers, and I'm not so fond of that because I like adding that "personal touch" to all the jobs I take on. So, all in all, I'd have to say I'm on the fence about having a dye vat that is customer operated, leaning toward the more personal touch.
perhaps a mix of the two, akin to ID session.
Player meets Tailor, offers items to vat, tailor open vat for dye session, selects from items inside.
If owner is within very smol x range they get pop up to -watch- dye session, window pops up that shows palette selection as tailor normally sees it, and player can see selections made before recolor is finalized.
If owner is not on or in range, Tailor completes it in same way.
perhaps a mix of the two, akin to ID session.
Player meets Tailor, offers items to vat, tailor open vat for dye session, selects from items inside.
If owner is within very smol x range they get pop up to -watch- dye session, window pops up that shows palette selection as tailor normally sees it, and player can see selections made before recolor is finalized.
If owner is not on or in range, Tailor completes it in same way.
Ooooh! Yeah! Now we're getting somewhere. This keeps the social interaction, allows the customer to see the product before it's finalized, and allows batch dying of multiple items of the same color. As long as the full palette is available, I think this is a total winner. /upvote
Ooooh! Yeah! Now we're getting somewhere. This keeps the social interaction, allows the customer to see the product before it's finalized, and allows batch dying of multiple items of the same color. As long as the full palette is available, I think this is a total winner. /upvote
If interaction and personal contact are required, the tub would have limited basic colors and the extra colors could be used during personal contact. Similar to the image designer.