Neutral GCW Ranks

Neutral GCW Ranks
This idea/suggestion has been flagged as Not Implemented because of a lack of popularity, lack of interest, lack of feasibility, or other determination by the Development Team, so the suggestion will not be implemented. Once a suggestion has been flagged this way, the decision is final. Although the issue may be raised again in the future after a six month cooldown. A response explanation from the Development Team can be found in the thread.
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I propose that there should be a seperate GCW Ranking system for Neutral(Mercenaries) Players that takes GCW Score earned while fighting for either faction as a mercenary into account, in addition to their own version of the GCW Token Currency.
The thought is that this will make it so those who choose to remain completely neutral won't feel left out of the rewards and content that is given to players who take a side, such as ranks and tokens.
I myself would rather remain strictly neutral but I feel I cannot do that because I wish to be able to earn and spend gcw tokens and gain ranks over time for a feeling of progression and accomplishment. Being neutral means I lose out on that feeling of identity that the factions have through their various perks. I would like Mercenaries to have their own identity.
I am aware this would be a lot of work, but perhaps it can be added to the pile of long term goals that the development team has for the game, I think it would only add to everyone's experience, and make playing Neutral more worthwhile. I believe instead of Ranks it would be like Reputation, as that is what a Mercenary lives and dies on.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
newts need some love

mercenaries are just as capable of adding to a team and playing the objective like anyone else in any situation the flag up as combatant or special forces so they should at least be offered some sort of comparable reward

most players who are on a gcw side arnt really that into the aesthetics of it and it shows with how most pcs look like newts even if they have the little symbol by their name which makes me think that more players would actually be neutral if it was available as a valid option for gcw proggression
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I think its a good idea for Neutral players to look forward to something, especially with Nar Shadaa coming in the future.
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To go along with this idea, or maybe to give it a more 'Star Wars' feel, make a 3rd faction called "Scum and Villainy."
We see a ton of examples in the lore regarding this sort of thing.
- Hondo
- Boba
- Black Suns
- Hutts
- Pikes
- etc..

These factions could play both sides of the war, offering help if/when they have something to gain.

It would make for some interesting gameplay.
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We have no intention of making this addition. If you want perks for fighting in the GCW, then pick a side. This would also conflict with other plans we already have for reputation systems.
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