Not Implemented - Hybrid - Artisan - New Incites | Star Wars Galaxies Restoration

Not Implemented Hybrid Artisan New Incites

This idea/suggestion has been flagged as Not Implemented because of a lack of popularity, lack of interest, lack of feasibility, or other determination by the Development Team, so the suggestion will not be implemented. Once a suggestion has been flagged this way, the decision is final. Although the issue may be raised again in the future after a six month cooldown. A response explanation from the Development Team can be found in the thread.
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May 28, 2021
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I would like to propose new incites.
Becoming a Jedi is a tough feat and it should be but there's more to the game than trying to incite for Jedi.
So I am proposing a new reason to incite. Mandalorian profession. A new "alpha class". Not everyone wants to be Jedi and whilst BHs are a great profession I feel there can be more there to bring to this server. There is some great lore in this and like Ahsoka has now been tied into this server there is so much more recent content that could be added.
Now in a perfect world (to me) Mando armour would have been locked out already for this however you could come across it in the world and wear it without following the creed. My idea would be that there would be a questline, like Jedi village where you work towards getting your armour but the difference being that not only is it Beskar armour (still able to be any colour you want) but it's noticeable by the fact it has a crest on the armour (I hear we have some people that enjoy doing models for SWG - plenty of work here).

The idea that Beskar armour is better defense against a lightsaber (I do wish lightsaber damage was a thing again) and make Mandalorians more durable than normal BHs wearing top armour.
How do you get Beskar armour? Well here's my idea.. a crafter can have an incite that starts a questline with the Armorer where you learn to make it, unlocks the schematics for them to make it - as well as Weaponsmiths being able to make Beskar weapons (I feel with the change of not needing Sharpshooter to be a BH is a great step forward and helps with Beskar polearms etc (come up with some idea for rifles, I am not smart enough). And it would be obtainable somehow like the liquids are for Mando armour.
Ok so how do they get armour and weapons to start if no crafter has incited? Well if you get the Beskar you can go to the Armorer yourself and get generic Armour/Weapons but no experimentation, but at least you get something, the best things should be crafted by a crafter with experimentation and whatever else. (Jedi don't need WS anymore to make lightsabers, I feel this is a good way to keep AS and WS in demand).

So what's new about a Mandalorian compared to a Bounty Hunter? Well, unfortunate timing but I think some of the NGE abilities would be better suited here to make a Mandalorian better to fight a Jedi over a Bounty Hunter. Razor Net and Tangle Bomb as an idea. As well as the ability to put breaching charges for each bounty. Plus obviously other stats that you smart people can work out what would be good!
There could also still be light-side/dark-side (Zelot/Death Watch? Im not a huge lore nerd), now I wasn't sure how to differentiate but something Samwyse mentioned would be to be the dark-side you could choose to take a bounty and actually fight other people trying to track your bounty to claim the kill for yourself. And maybe even find the bounty and try to bribe them to claim they got the kill without killing them (could be worth it for Jedi not wanting to be a blue glowie) and it potentially takes the bounty off the board? The light-side or whatever you want to call it I have no idea about but I am sure others would have good ideas.

Ok so what about a cooldown? Jedi get to become ghosts, why shouldn't Mandalorians have a cooldown where they cannot do bounties at a minimum and potentially more? Well, after x number of deaths the Mandalorians helmet is removed and they cannot put it on until they visit Mandalore and stay for a while, recite the creed and put their helmet back on. Now I also think good roleplay and even a fun mechanic could be that you do not want your character to die or are made to give up to a Jedi and they spare killing you if you remove your own helmet, thus starting your own cooldown and having to go through it all. Maybe you don't have the ability to put Mandalore in yet, but if it's anything like it was for Jedi to be released (as far as it currently is) we might see it around the time Star Citizen is released.

So what about A/B/C? Well b is always the incite, keep it B as people LOVE it :). However maybe make it more relatable? So a higher chance to incite on a bounty? Even higher if its a player or Jedi bounty? Win or lose, whatever.
A can be badges again and whatever nice stuff in it like the hidden Jedi Altars.
C could be the Dangerous Fugitives and maybe even owning a Mando suit?
I feel this can add more for people to work towards, and be yet another unique experience to bring people on this server. In my opinion I like BHs the way it is, yeah a few tweaks would be fun but not a huge change, they are good but Jedi is meant to be an alpha class but should it be the only one? Also not just this class but there could easily be more!
Not everyone wants to be a Jedi but the whole incite process is such a good idea and process that adds so much more to this server and the custom phases in it too just add much more to this server that others don't have.
This is something I have mentioned many times in Resto Discord, especially when people started to be able to incite to give more for people who don't want Jedi but want another experience. If you have any ideas to add to this or things you'd want to change bring your input, I feel it's another great addition to this server to enjoy and potentially bring people here. I am sure this would be a fun thing to work on for devs even if it will take some time.

Also Mandalorian may not be the best name for it as I get these are people from Mandalore - again I am not a huge lore person, I enjoy it all but I am sure others out there may have a better name for this if Mandalore doesn't fit into this universe.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
This is something I have mentioned many times in Resto Discord, especially when people started to be able to incite to give more for people who don't want Jedi but want another experience. If you have any ideas to add to this or things you'd want to change bring your input, I feel it's another great addition to this server to enjoy and potentially bring people here. I am sure this would be a fun thing to work on for devs even if it will take some time.

Also Mandalorian may not be the best name for it as I get these are people from Mandalore - again I am not a huge lore person, I enjoy it all but I am sure others out there may have a better name for this if Mandalore doesn't fit into this universe.
I have mentioned something along these lines in Discord a number of times but it seems they went with the player Inquistor/Jedi/BH thing instead. I was hoping the Inquisitor was gonna be an Alpha BH as a counter to the Alpha Jedi for balance but what can you do. I like and agree with yout overall idea and Upvote here.
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I’m going to go ahead and close this because it’s beyond the direction we’re willing to move at this time. We aren’t adding alpha classes and are already working to reduce the impact Jedi has as an “alpha class” in some aspects, more to come on that in the future.
I need to clarify Aconite’s statement here.

Jedi is not going away as a special class with an unlock, and higher risk/reward than a regular class. We overestimated the power difference that the player base would tolerate initially, though, and so we needed to re-evaluate that. That’s what “reduce the impact” means here.

Non-Jedi “alpha class” unlocks and rank progression are part of our roadmap, but we have a lot of refinement to do on those designs, and the player power level they have. I could imagine some of the things you suggested here ending up in that design.
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