New jedi crystals

New jedi crystals
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New Jedi Crystals
I know this will be a mute point. Other server have a lot more options. It would be nice to get more then just the basic crystals and a couple other. Especially since Banes heart, Sunridder and Windis crystals were removed.
The removal of crystals awhile ago
Please give feedback and not another series of attack posts thank you.
Has been stated multible times that crystals are getting a complete rework with a new planet (Ilum). When it happens and if we do not know currently.

I doubt we will get to much more before that
To add on to the Ilum bit, they did add two more crystals in the last patch (or the bugbash before, I can't remember). So they may sprinkle some in as they release more content, just a game of patience until the crystal rework.