[QoL] Add SWGTracker Radial Menu option for Resources

[QoL] Add SWGTracker Radial Menu option for Resources
This idea/suggestion is Open. You can respond to ask questions or discuss the idea and either vote it up or down if you believe it should or should not be implemented, respectively. Popular suggestions and ideas will be considered by the development team to become reality in-game.
Add a radial menu option to resources to open a /browser window in-game (currently disabled) which goes directly to that resource's page on SWGTracker. See screenshot for demo.
An easy way to look up resources without having to manually type in the resource name.
This QoL has various use-cases, it will be a very handy way for a player to quickly look up resources. For example, returning players won't be overwhelmed by their treasure trove of old resources that they've hoarded over the years, and can look up what that resource does at the click of a button.
Fantastic idea. Especially with the interesting names SWG generates for the resources this would make a lot of resource sorting a lot easier
We won’t link to SWG Tracker until we host it because it’s not an official service. But we’d consider this. However, it would open the desktop’s browser in a new window. Unlikely we would reimplement the in-game browser as it was fully deprecated.