Open - Remove all Mustafar buffs from sharing the same cooldown | Star Wars Galaxies Restoration

Open Remove all Mustafar buffs from sharing the same cooldown

This idea/suggestion is Open. You can respond to ask questions or discuss the idea and either vote it up or down if you believe it should or should not be implemented, respectively. Popular suggestions and ideas will be considered by the development team to become reality in-game.
Nov 9, 2022
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Make buff items worth getting by doing end game PvE. Instead of devaluing them by having them all on the same cooldown there should be categories for what the buff actually does for the player. For example,

1. Combat (Lair Crystal, Shard of Retaliation, Gorax Ear, etc)
2. Utility (Sprint Stim, Anti-Mobility Device, Revitilization Pack, Cooling Spray Unit, etc)
Rare loot buffs or rewards for completing questlines become useless when you use one in combat, even if they don't give similar buffs to the player. If a player has a combat buff such as the Lair Crystal to do more damage, why should that share a cooldown with something like the Sprint Stim?

By separating unique buff items and rewarding players for doing content, it'll make items actually useful and more valuable. Buffs use to be separated by

Class A
Class B
Class C
Class D

Now everything shares a cooldown, and it dumbs down decision making.

I know this change was made so that it doesn't come down to a "Whoever pops the most buffs wins" and I get that reason, however separating them would make doing end game PvE much more rewarding.
Decisions that can benefit a player in combat that they've earned rather than it collecting dust in their house, and not being worth using and adding value to items for the economy.
Bring back different cooldowns for buff items and make them valuable to earn again.


Galactic Senator
Jul 16, 2021
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I think this is something that needs to be looked at.

I'm all about regrouping buffs - but regardless - it's going to be a balancing act - and that will take time.

Musty buffs, treasure map crystals, etc.. sharing the same cooldown does take away from the importance of collecting them in general - completely agree. As long people are prevented from popping 6 or 7 different buffs, which buff groups should address that, it's all goodness to me.

I'll monitor this thread for feedback and if it looks like it is generally supported, I will make an effort to start pushing the issue. I just don't want to dig my claws in until I understand what the community has on their mind because there may be mixed feelings.
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Reactions: plegs
Nov 4, 2023
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Split it into two categories and balance it out.

A) Permanent Buffs:

- Mustafarian Injector
+X Bleed Resistance/Absorption

- Miner's Medallion (Make it an item you can use for the effect, no need to have it equipped.)
+X Fire Resistance/Absorption.

- Healer's Gloves (Make it an item you can use for the effect, no need to have it equipped.)
+X Healing Potency
+1 Heal Range

- Infrared Electrobinoculars
+X General Ranged Accuracy/10% Detect Stealth Chance.

- Shard of the Serpent
+X Poison Resistance/Absorption.

B) 15 Mins (30 min CD)

C) 5 Mins (10 min CD)

D) 1 Min (15 min CD)

Can only have 1 of these up at a time. There done, easy fix.

Just make the effects different and interesting and balanced.