Open - Other - Artisan - Ranged - Remove Requirements from Bowcasters | Star Wars Galaxies Restoration

Open Other Artisan Ranged Remove Requirements from Bowcasters

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Jun 13, 2021
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Remove species requirements from crafting/using a bowcaster.

More variety in weapons that are used.
Bowcasters are cool weapons that aren't used at all ATM (at least i haven't seen anyone using it).

There is no point in gatekeeping a weapon when there aren't that many players around.

Right now, the bowcaster weapons can be used and crafted by Wookiees only.
I understand that these requirements were used earlier for immersion, but right now I don't see a reason for keeping them.
There aren't that many players around, so keeping a weapon restricted to a specific race isn't good.

I'm putting these two together because they are related to one race.
I can support removing the 'craft' portion of this, but not the 'use' part.

There are a lot of items that are race-dependent. Why wouldn't the bowcaster be one of them?

They have always been a "Wookiee" weapon.
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1. It keeps a cool looking weapon locked to a specific race for a sense of "immersion". While it can be important, I don't see how removing this restriction ruins it
2. Other wookiee-only weapon restrictions have been lifted. This is the only weapon with such restriction left
3. Wookiee players can still use it and feel special, but humanoid players will be able to enjoy it as well

I can understand cosmetic items such as Ithorian/Wookiee armor/clothing being for these species only and other things like that.
But locking a weapon to a specific race seems counterintuitive for when there aren't many players around. And I think it would be for the best to lift restrictions like that so players can enjoy things more.

Previously, racial bonuses have been removed so people could play what they want and not worry about stats/appearance. Same goes for RIS and BH armor being available to all species now.

What other items are race dependant besides clothing/armor?
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I can support removing the 'craft' portion of this, but not the 'use' part.

There are a lot of items that are race-dependent. Why wouldn't the bowcaster be one of them?

They have always been a "Wookiee" weapon.

I've seen Han use it multiple times.

The problem is, it has to be remade as a model to be used properly with humanoids. Not a big deal I already did it. However it has to be a little smaller and the hands position needs changed.
I've seen Han use it multiple times.
This was the reason for the quotes around it being a "Wookiee" weapon.

99.9999999% of the time, within this era of the story, within the greater canon, within the confines of the is a "Wookiee" weapon.

Have there been people out there using it that weren't a Wookiee? Sure.

But, but using your own flawed logic, I have seen non-force users pick up a saber and wield it. Should we then make those available to all classes?
This was the reason for the quotes around it being a "Wookiee" weapon.

99.9999999% of the time, within this era of the story, within the greater canon, within the confines of the is a "Wookiee" weapon.

Have there been people out there using it that weren't a Wookiee? Sure.

But, but using your own flawed logic, I have seen non-force users pick up a saber and wield it. Should we then make those available to all classes?

I wouldn't care, as long as they get vis and can get hunted down. I think Jedi should be able to use melee weapons, imo.

I would say that in this case with your logic I would bare wookiees from using Flamethrowers or light themselves on fire.
I am unsure what you're trying to prove here. I guess you just like being the "Well, Actually..." guy.

That's cool, you do you.

I'm simply stating that for the vast majority of time, lore, and canon around this game...the bowcaster has been a "Wookiee" weapon. There is no real good reason to change that. We have a lot of other examples within the current game that are restrictive based on species and class. How is this any different?
I am unsure what you're trying to prove here. I guess you just like being the "Well, Actually..." guy.

That's cool, you do you.

I'm simply stating that for the vast majority of time, lore, and canon around this game...the bowcaster has been a "Wookiee" weapon. There is no real good reason to change that. We have a lot of other examples within the current game that are restrictive based on species and class. How is this any different?
Maybe because its the only weapon in the game that is tied to a species.

You can give examples, but they are not weapons.
Because it IS the only weapon in the game specifically tied to a species, that is kind-of the point of the weapon.

I don't understand what is so difficult about this.
Because it IS the only weapon in the game specifically tied to a species, that is kind-of the point of the weapon.

I don't understand what is so difficult about this.
That is the point.

I've been working my butt off trying to get wooks more usable gear, but the opposite is a thing I don't mind either.
I am all for getting a better selection of gear for every species.

But, giving every other species the singular weapon they are restricted from doesn't do that.

If you want to give players more options for gear, then design new items for them. Don't just rehash the old stuff and undo the lore of the game.
I am all for getting a better selection of gear for every species.

But, giving every other species the singular weapon they are restricted from doesn't do that.

If you want to give players more options for gear, then design new items for them. Don't just rehash the old stuff and undo the lore of the game.
What if you allowed "Light Bowcaster";"Malevolent Bowcaster" (an actual other weapon) to be used (which it needs a different appearance anyways to work for humanoids); and keep normal ones for Wookiee's only?

Even the bow part of it needs changed or it clips.
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That makes more sense to me. I think that would work for all parties.

Non-Wookiee species gets a bowcaster.

Wooks keep their original version but could use the other still.

New gear for all parties.
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