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Have creature handlers have a very miniscule chance to get an unobtainable color/ color pattern/cosmetic mutation and/or a random stat increase on wild tames. The idea could use a bit more ironing but I think there is a lot of fun things that could be done here.
I get that BEs should be the final destination for pets but currently it feels like there is no reason to tame anything outside of your first grinder pet or to sell mounts. Having creatures have a chance to have a unique color or maybe like an 11 pt stat or maybe both or even a slightly more competitive pet would give players a reason to collect and would still never be better than a BE 60pt. Youd have to make this happening extremely rare can any cosmetic changes to the pet uniform across the board so when people see it they know its the shiny version of the creature.
I just think it would make taming for CH more fun,. Collecting would be fun and it wouldn't alter any of the current game mechanics excessively. Again don't know how possible it would be, or if people would even want it. Just an idea, that worked for Pokemon.
Extremely rare "shiny" versions of CH tames.
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I think this is an interesting idea. It would give purpose to taming wild creatures and encourage exploring if the right creatures are chosen to be shiney. This could definitely appeal to the gotta-catch-em-all mentality out there.
I think this would just diminish the value of mutations as they would now be competing vs 'rare shiny' versions of creatures. CH taming is basically just a small bonus (starter/grind pets, mounts etc) in addition to the main purpose of CH overall - being able to actually use pets for combat - I don't think it needs encroaching into the areas that BE already covers (rare appearances).

I'm sure there is something else that could be done i.e. CH taming unique collections (similar to slayers) that perhaps incentivize CH's exploring the galaxy etc - and the reward for these could be currently unobtainable DNA's/unique craftable dye/patterns or such - a way to work with the CH taming/exploration concept and benefit BE's/introduce some existing (unused) creature models.
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