Smuggler Missions

Smuggler Missions
This idea/suggestion is Open. You can respond to ask questions or discuss the idea and either vote it up or down if you believe it should or should not be implemented, respectively. Popular suggestions and ideas will be considered by the development team to become reality in-game.
Add new routes to the Underworld Smuggler missions, multi-planetary missions at master, multiple dropoffs maybe. Add underworld terminals, more NPC mission givers in major cities, allow Master Underworld Smugglers the ability to place underworld terminals in player cities, add slicing requirements to higher end missions.
Add some variety to the grind as well as potential to increase credit output for putting more work in, more lucrative than just spinning faction terminal missions.
I actually like running Smuggler missions to earn credits and would rather do them than spin mission terminals.
I don't think the Smuggling system needs to be revamped only expanded upon. I'm not a programmer but I imagine it would be easier to make additions to the system than replace it altogether. It would also be cool to see more open world slicing opportunities even if it's just randomly spawned vaults with a chance at loot crates and credits.
I absolutely support this idea, I currently don't have a MSmug but these ideas are making me seriously rethink that. I have done MUS previously on other lame ass servers and it did get to the point of rinse repeat, this idea has an opportunity for Resto to stand out again from the other servers. Great suggestion!! Upvote here
I am curious how the development on the norotity system is going with smugglers and Nar sha. Is there any information on the development of the system. More curious since it's been quiet.

Now I would love to see more routes added to this system and micj bigger payout missions. Perhaps terminals added if possible. I know it could be a lot of work. But picking up missions of say go talk to so and so on dant and go drop off to ord mantel or whatever location could be a lot of fun with pvp.

Now the pvp side, I think you underworld faction should mean something in regards to being able to throw bounty hunters off your tracks. How long did Ham avoid bounty hunters. How many did he pay off etc.