Open - Space - Space Loot for Duty Tokens | Star Wars Galaxies Restoration

Open Space Space Loot for Duty Tokens

This idea/suggestion is Open. You can respond to ask questions or discuss the idea and either vote it up or down if you believe it should or should not be implemented, respectively. Popular suggestions and ideas will be considered by the development team to become reality in-game.
May 28, 2021
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Allow an alternative to the chassis vendor, maybe Kash Nunes, who would accept space loot for a (small) number of duty mission tokens.
While not directly a credit sink, this would help the economy by slowing the inflation from space loot credits while also eventually giving disappointed players who were hoping for something good another opportunity to try and get something they can actually use and enjoy. Everyone seems to win as far as I can see?
Admittedly, I haven't thought too much about it. It was just a random thought I had in the Idiot's Array and I thought I'd toss it out there to see if it resonates.
Just throwing this out here for the sake of discussion. Figure this is the best place to get the idea torn apart to find any weaknesses or other holes in my logic.
What's in it for Kash? Why is he taking your junk loot, and potentially handing you good loot? At the very least he has got to be insisting on a two-fer, two of the same level of your junk loot for one of his, and he should probably be asking for more, three or four.
It needs to be a case where the smart move is to take the chassis dealer's option, but those willing to gamble go to Kash.
So he can continue handing out trash loot, of course. Where else would it come from? That's why I figured a small amount, maybe like a 10th of what you would spend on a piece from him.
We already have more than substantial duty token sources, there’s literally no need for this.
There are plenty of ways to get tokens and the credit exchange to sell parts to the chassis dealer has already been decreased from live's values. I see no reason for this at all.
I think this idea has some merit. I feel like it would add some depth to space farming, as it would add a market from player to player for parts, instead of people mindlessly selling loads of inventory to an NPC.

It's not removing the NPC from existence for those who just want to offload their crap - but it would leave the door open for players to put bounties on certain parts (depending on how this would be implemented) and buy them from space farmers to try their luck with Kash.

To me - it's worth some continued discussion with the entire space community.
I think this idea has some merit. I feel like it would add some depth to space farming, as it would add a market from player to player for parts, instead of people mindlessly selling loads of inventory to an NPC.

It's not removing the NPC from existence for those who just want to offload their crap - but it would leave the door open for players to put bounties on certain parts (depending on how this would be implemented) and buy them from space farmers to try their luck with Kash.

To me - it's worth some continued discussion with the entire space community.
This change opens the door to recycling duty tokens, i.e. taking all your failed rolls and getting back a portion of tokens to roll again. I don't think this is a good idea. There are plenty of duty token sources already and we already have a trade channel where players are putting bounties on specific parts. There are far better ways to utilize filler/garbage parts that could be implemented if the idea is to prevent credit generation.
This change opens the door to recycling duty tokens, i.e. taking all your failed rolls and getting back a portion of tokens to roll again. I don't think this is a good idea. There are plenty of duty token sources already and we already have a trade channel where players are putting bounties on specific parts. There are far better ways to utilize filler/garbage parts that could be implemented if the idea is to prevent credit generation.
If players do as you say, and reroll, which is likely, then there will be more good parts and fewer credits generated. Which is better for the game economy? More good parts, or more credits?