Open - Community Programs - Other - The Tusken Carnage Champion (Fort Tusken) | Star Wars Galaxies Restoration

Open Community Programs Other The Tusken Carnage Champion (Fort Tusken)

This idea/suggestion is Open. You can respond to ask questions or discuss the idea and either vote it up or down if you believe it should or should not be implemented, respectively. Popular suggestions and ideas will be considered by the development team to become reality in-game.
May 28, 2021
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Activate, and tweak this event
Fort Tusken is slacking. The poi is stuck at NGE levels with no challenge.
With new heroic instance modes enabled on server. The decrepits only drop on easy mode.
We have no open world group challenges
It could be great for casuals to meet up at and create pugs, make new friends and get through the event together. A great place for new friendships for form
It would also be a great activity for people stuck on lockout timers.
This event was on the SOE live servers sometime between Publish 6 and February 22, 2004.

I'd like to start with the POI difficulty level "one doesn't simply walk into Fort Tusken". When NGE hit on live servers, places, poi's etc were dumbed down in combat level drastically. A single player would not make it 20 feet into Fort Tusken without burst running out of there during the CU. This is Fort Tusken. Where the baddest of the bad in the tribe call their home.
The event as it was on live...referance
There were 3 waves of Tuskens.
After every Tusken was dispatched at the poi, the poi was repopulated with a 2nd spawn which was progressively more difficult to kill, after the 3rd wave has been vanquished. The Tusken Carnage Champion spawned with 2 guards if memory serves. It was a tuff fight but the loot was very good. There was a special rifle and gaffi stick I recall.
Example of how the event could be here.
Your group shows up to Fort Tusken and has to kill every NPC at the poi (before any have a chance to respawn) "its a race). I'm thinking silver elites level 80
if cleared successfully, the 2nd wave will spawn, same thing clear them all before any respawns - level 88 silver elites with a few level 80 golds?
Wave 3, make it harder.
Once complete, the Tusken Carnage Champioin spawns with a couple guards. From here I'd like to see ideas for mechanics (guards heal?, postioning etc)
The loot - I'd love to see some new models, decrepits and more drop, some new weapons. Maybe a melee polearm which a jedi can even use with jedi specials.

Once the event is over it simply repeats if theres placers there strong enough to activate it.
It could be great for casuals to meet up at and create pugs, make new friends and get through the event together. A great place for new friendships for form
It would also be a great activity for people stuck on lockout timers.

By all means add your ideas to help flesh out this event and make it great...

I believe this event to be still in the code just deactiviated.
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Tuskains is diregratory name. Native Tatooinians are people too and it's time they're treated with respect and not just savages.
I like this suggestion. Open world pve content that creates new (old) places for players to gather and take on a difficult task to achieve something would be a plus. Especially if it opens a new avenue to decrepits or some other useful material
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Some ideas would be needed to take that incentive away. Lots of ways to go about balancing that out. I think the difficulty level could be a hindrance to those trying to camp it. I mean Stormlord drops decrepits still and you dont see people camping him. Also, maybe if the loot pool was diverse (not knowing what your going to loot). Could also make people think twice about camping. I can see 1 person camping out a loot spot. If it takes a full group to complete the event...I don't see 8 people camping longer than 2-3 runs. If it were to be implemented, they could make any tweaks needed to deal if that situation if it were to arise...