Turn down 🔽 XP and resource gathering rates on Mustafar/Jedi 1.0 Release 🎉

Turn down 🔽 XP and resource gathering rates on Mustafar/Jedi 1.0 Release 🎉
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Marketing Lead
Turn down XP modifier and resource gathering rates upon R3's 1.0 Mustafar/Jedi release.
Once 1.0 and Mustafar/Jedi hit, I think we'll see an influx of players returning to the game with new characters or, characters who have no yet reached mastery. Decreasing XP and resource gathering rates will prolong a new saturation arc that might make the game more dynamic. I'd love for the effect of this to be a more robust, and healthier economy with a good mix of players trying to achieve top tier, and a good mix who already are there and can help.

As a final thought, I'd also hope this thread can be a brainstorm for eventual other PlayerVoice threads about the health of the economy and game.
Seeing crafters reach master tier boxes incredibly quick seemed to limit their options to interact and support others on their crafting journey. What was once more difficult, became easy - and with everyone achieving the grind relatively quickly with an abundance of resources.

Anecdotally, this seemed to de-incentivize participation in the game, and the economy. Making items easier to make, also made them more bountiful - even the more challenging items.
👋 Hi folks - wanted to submit this to player voice since I'm not sure if it's a me and my group thing, or if others have thoughts along the same lines. I'll be omitting exact rates I'm interested in changing to as I'd like to focus on if in general, people would favour an XP rate decrease especially for resource gathering and crafting XP.

Current modifiers:
  • 5x crafting XP
  • 5x questing XP
  • 5x resource extraction
Voting on this suggestion has been paused.
Xp to hit master was way too fast in my opinion. That said we all don’t want to grind forever either. Xp rates at x2 or x3 maybe? I feel resource rates also should drop to x2 or x3. Having resources so bountiful makes everything not worth as much as it’s too easy to get what we all need.
Having two toons drop heavy extractors in something nets way too many resources and R3 having third and fourth toon slots will only make matters worse.
I think it works with the current population being what it is as is but it should be turned down for any profession not just crafting but i fail to see how it affects RE or mods for RE gathering the drop rates for loot I don't think have changed at all from live/cu/or nge
sampling is ok but the harvesters rate is way supped up and could use a change downwards
RE is a time consuming craft and should be. It protects the value of what it yields to the player base. As far as toning down XP maybe but be honest most just spin it up anyways so what take them 6 more layers? Limiting harvester rates may prevent hoarding but idk what effect it will have on new crafters that wont have the resources to make solid items. Seems like the only thing it prevents is players selling resources for 30 cpu as is.
I think all those rates need to be returned to normal x1 rates while I understand many say well I don't have that kind of time to put in the game and what things to go faster but then some of those same people then complain there is nothing to do in the game. The extraction rates on resources is just crazy you can get millions of a resource with only a couple extractors and really inflates how much resources are out there and is bad for the economy as far as selling resources go for those that do it. This game was meant to be a slow long term investment for players
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I have two, probably conflicting thoughts on this.

1. Its a good idea to turn them down as they are over tuned right now. Maybe to 2x. Right now the journey to your build is too short and we have a consequential loss of that phase of the game.
1a. Pushing it all the way back to 1 makes the grind pretty brutal and a turn off to many. Though this would not break my heart personally.

2. Its not fair to "new" players that they get screwed with a slower progress rate when they are already behind on existing players anyway.

Is it possible to set the global to 2x, and a temp buff of maybe first 50 hours of play to an additional 2x?
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I have two, probably conflicting thoughts on this.

1. Its a good idea to turn them down as they are over tuned right now. Maybe to 2x. Right now the journey to your build is too short and we have a consequential loss of that phase of the game.
1a. Pushing it all the way back to 1 makes the grind pretty brutal and a turn off to many. Though this would not break my heart personally.

2. Its not fair to "new" players that they get screwed with a slower progress rate when they are already behind on existing players anyway.

Is it possible to set the global to 2x, and a temp buff of maybe first 50 hours of play to an additional 2x?
1. I like x2 and for 1a x1 I think is too much for sure. Only other thought here is the work it took to master naturally thinned the numbers so you didn’t have 200 architects for example. First month of R3 everyone had an architect which drove prices into the cellar.
2. I like the idea of day 1 or older players having an advantage. But we had R3 shirt booster buff. Why can’t new accounts not have that same thing to give them maybe not x5 but 2,3,4?
What are your thoughts on resources Juspar?
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1. I like x2 and for 1a x1 I think is too much for sure. Only other thought here is the work it took to master naturally thinned the numbers so you didn’t have 200 architects for example. First month of R3 everyone had an architect which drove prices into the cellar.
2. I like the idea of day 1 or older players having an advantage. But we had R3 shirt booster buff. Why can’t new accounts not have that same thing to give them maybe not x5 but 2,3,4?
What are your thoughts on resources Juspar?
Resources at 5x is more than enough boost to crafters to make life pretty easy, and prices appalling for anyone that wants to make a niche harvesting and selling raw materials. At 5x resources and 5x crafting XP it makes having a master crafter have no prestige. Anyone could make one of their own in 2 days. It was this that drove down those prices as you observed.

I think the variable on these three modifiers should have a single value. 2 seems good to me. 5 is way too much. 1 is probably too small.

I agree the long timers should have an edge over newbies - but they do. Level 80 is the cap and Master XXXsmith/Tailor/Chef/etc is the cap, newbies will get there eventually its just a matter of how long or short it is. Older players will have access to developed skills playing their character, and to historical resource spawns. I don't think we would need to worry about the perk of an advantage for us, as much as the feeling of being unfairly treated for the population we are trying to entice.
the global? as in the wep global?
As in the global modifier for xp/resources as listed in the OP. Just trying to suggest a way to get a separate value to get starting players moving and not feeling like they got disadvantaged.
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1. I like x2 and for 1a x1 I think is too much for sure. Only other thought here is the work it took to master naturally thinned the numbers so you didn’t have 200 architects for example. First month of R3 everyone had an architect which drove prices into the cellar.
2. I like the idea of day 1 or older players having an advantage. But we had R3 shirt booster buff. Why can’t new accounts not have that same thing to give them maybe not x5 but 2,3,4?
What are your thoughts on resources Juspar?
I would say to be fair new players to any game are at a disadvantage. If i went to say new world then i would be far behind those that started from the start or behind in currency/gear/money. This game is even abit more so as it is designed to reward play and effort. It does not offer catch up mechanics and such and for some including myself thats why i enjoy it. Now when a new resource spawns new players will have the option to acquire them.
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Before trying out Res3, I have played on several Emu servers, over the past several years, the vast majority of which have failed and are no longer running. Res1 was one of them. The SWG crowd is becoming increasingly fickle, with new servers enjoying big initial success, then dyeing in a matter of months. I had hoped that Res3 would be different and have some staying power. It is not looking like it will.
Res3 blew its chance for greatness right at launch, when thousands of people were interesting in playing here, but they only paid for server architecture that could accommodate 2-3 hundred. Bad move.
SWG players have choices. New, and old, servers are competing for a dwindling number of people interested in playing this game. You have to give people a reason to try out your game. Jacking up XP rates is a common thing to do. To be honest, I would not play on a server that had 1X XP. I hate grinding that much that the higher the XP rate, the more likely I am to play. Increasing harvester rates is just silly. Standard harvester rates are too high as is.
XP and harvester rates are not the reason Res3 is in a downward spiral, and adjusting them is not going to bring anyone back. It looks to me, people gave Res3 a shot. It didn't pan out. Now they are looking for the next new thing. Emu 1.0 is not that far down the road. Personally, I'm looking at a new non SWG game that plans on offering an alpha sometime after the start of the new year. Until then I'll be here. I have too much invested to just walk away, yet.
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Before trying out Res3, I have played on several Emu servers, over the past several years, the vast majority of which have failed and are no longer running. Res1 was one of them. The SWG crowd is becoming increasingly fickle, with new servers enjoying big initial success, then dyeing in a matter of months. I had hoped that Res3 would be different and have some staying power. It is not looking like it will.
Res3 blew its chance for greatness right at launch, when thousands of people were interesting in playing here, but they only paid for server architecture that could accommodate 2-3 hundred. Bad move.
SWG players have choices. New, and old, servers are competing for a dwindling number of people interested in playing this game. You have to give people a reason to try out your game. Jacking up XP rates is a common thing to do. To be honest, I would not play on a server that had 1X XP. I hate grinding that much that the higher the XP rate, the more likely I am to play. Increasing harvester rates is just silly. Standard harvester rates are too high as is.
XP and harvester rates are not the reason Res3 is in a downward spiral, and adjusting them is not going to bring anyone back. It looks to me, people gave Res3 a shot. It didn't pan out. Now they are looking for the next new thing. Emu 1.0 is not that far down the road. Personally, I'm looking at a new non SWG game that plans on offering an alpha sometime after the start of the new year. Until then I'll be here. I have too much invested to just walk away, yet.
Yeah I agree x1 would be silly and i wouldn’t want that at all. It’s finding that happy medium I think. I think R3 at launch made it too easy and everyone hit max, got everything then got bored and left. I could see x2 harvester rates for a 20 year old game. X5 really does blow my mind and really crushed the crafting game. It’s tough to know where to look for solutions. As you say the architecture of R3 at launch and lots of things not working really drove people nutty. About being fickle. Gamers in general have really changed I’d say in the last 3-5 years. WoW really spiralled into a very poor gamer base and why I left.
To be honest, I would not play on a server that had 1X XP. I hate grinding that much that the higher the XP rate, the more likely I am to play. Increasing harvester rates is just silly. Standard harvester rates are too high as is.
Most if what you've said here is valid opinion that I just disagree with. But to say that "the higher the XP rate" the better, and that "standard harvester rates are too high as is", in almost the same breath shows that you aren't addressing the whole game. Just your very small personal part of it.

5x (or perhaps 10x you are suggesting?) XP will (did) rush everyone to combat level 80 and miss or trivialize both the journey itself and all the content that is aimed at all those intermediary levels.

Meanwhile 1x resources mean that crafters will have to do the full hard grind for their levels - because anyone who crafts knows resources not xp are the grind. And that crafted goods will be very expensive due to supply restrictions and econ 101.
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Most if what you've said here is valid opinion that I just disagree with. But to say that "the higher the XP rate" the better, and that "standard harvester rates are too high as is", in almost the same breath shows that you aren't addressing the whole game. Just your very small personal part of it.

5x, or perhaps 10x you are suggesting, XP will (did) rush everyone to combat level 80 and miss or trivialize both the journey itself and all the content that is aimed at all those intermediary levels.

Meanwhile 1x resources mean that crafters will have to do the full hard grind for their levels - because anyone who crafts knows resources not xp are the grind. And that crafted goods will be very expensive due to supply restrictions and econ 101.
He never suggested 10x XP at any point. He said that the higher the XP multiplier the more likely he is to play. To lower the XP multiplier at this point is stupid. People are acting like the average person playing this has never played in their lives. The majority of the player base is returning from live or other Emus. At this point why would you shit on everyone coming because it trivializes the journey that most people have already done. If people want to do content and goof around at every level of combat they can - but when you're dealing with a 20 year old game that people are returning to - they want to get to max level - plain and simple. People want to be a master crafter - who cares. You could make everyone a master crafter tomorrow and guess what - they are going to make junk and have to work their way up to be competitive through resource collection. No point in turning down XP - unless you want to make like 5 people feel happy so they can say they contributed. Bad idea.
He never suggested 10x XP at any point. He said that the higher the XP multiplier the more likely he is to play. To lower the XP multiplier at this point is stupid. People are acting like the average person playing this has never played in their lives. The majority of the player base is returning from live or other Emus. At this point why would you shit on everyone coming because it trivializes the journey that most people have already done. If people want to do content and goof around at every level of combat they can - but when you're dealing with a 20 year old game that people are returning to - they want to get to max level - plain and simple. People want to be a master crafter - who cares. You could make everyone a master crafter tomorrow and guess what - they are going to make junk and have to work their way up to be competitive through resource collection. No point in turning down XP - unless you want to make like 5 people feel happy so they can say they contributed. Bad idea.
I'm cool with all that, I have a different opinion but you won't get an argument from me. I just took issue with xp being "the higher the better" and resource rates being "the standard is too high as is".
XP rates and harvest rates are related, but far from identical issues. I fail to see why desiring higher XP rates, while. perhaps, lowering harvest rates is incompatible, or not a valid viewpoint.
I have posts in other server discussions where I advocate what I would like to see replace the "grind" for crafters in SWG. The current "grind" is only a time sink, otherwise pointless, and fails to prepare a new player for the desired crafting profession. Until we make that revamp, I am 100% in favor of anything that shortens that time sink. Actually, I would not be in favor of 10X XP, 5X seems sufficient to me.
I also have posts on harvester rates, and why I think the standard rate is excessive and allows players to gather far too many resources. At this point, I don't think we can nerf that, the outcry from the community would be far too great. It would have to be part of a total revamp of crafting and results in a game we could no longer call SWG.
If the proposal were only for lowering harvest rates to 1, or the NGE rate of 1.5, it would get my upvote. Since it is combined with lowering XP, I downvoted it.
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Seeing crafters reach master tier boxes incredibly quick seemed to limit their options to interact and support others on their crafting journey.

There are many guides out there on how to grind crafting classes. From what I've seen the grind never involves crafting a finished item. It involves checking the practice box and crafting a sub-component. I liked the practice button. It gave me a bonus and didn't clog my inventory; but I also never produced anything.

If I were going to produce some end product that would "support others" on my crafting journey then it would need to be worth my while. The first thing that comes to mind is make sub-component XP values quite small and end item XP values quite large. Also, I never once put anything in a factory to mass produce as it would not generate XP. If I would be granted some amount of XP per item manufactured in a factory I most likely would have done that. Let's crank out 1000 CR20 CDEF pistols that supports the combat players grinding their way up while netting me 100,000 crafting XP (or some other ratio).

Once 1.0 and Mustafar/Jedi hit, I think we'll see an influx of players returning to the game with new characters or, characters who have no yet reached mastery. Decreasing XP and resource gathering rates will prolong a new saturation arc that might make the game more dynamic.

I have no strong feelings one way or the other on what rate XP and resources are gained. There will probably be a back and forth until a fair balance is found. My thoughts are to point out the variables that might go into your decision. Right now the population is low and it is not hard to set harvies on high concentrations of resources. When the population increases there is going to be a lot less real estate to drop on those 70+ percent spots and people may be settling for some low concentration locations. Back in Live it was not uncommon for us to wake up as early as possible and jump on those high concentrations before the rest of the mob got there. So in that sense I think there will be a lot of resource gathering mitigation that will come naturally from higher population (I could be completely wrong on this).

I'd love for the effect of this to be a more robust, and healthier economy with a good mix of players trying to achieve top tier, and a good mix who already are there and can help.

My greatest success came when I joined a guild and got help from them. Once I achieved my goals I was able to help others in return. A strong community, or guild, which doesn't have to be large, can definitely help breed success. The dynamic changes as the population changes. It seems like a good idea to think about how to balance it for an influx of players. What that balance is, I don't know, but I wish you luck.
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Hey everyone, thanks for all the feedback so far! As we approach our December game updates, I want to bump this to make sure everyone - but especially the crafting community, has an opportunity to add their two cents.

(to be transparent, there is currently no plan to implement this on the Staff side, this is purely a personal suggestion from my experience playing the crafting professions in the game)
Just realized this was started by a staff member rather then a player.
Reducing harvester rates makes sense to me. Personally, I have just reduced the number of harvesters I place. For resources I might place 10 harvesters on, for another server, I only place 2 here. Go to "normal" rates, and I'll go back to "normal" numbers of harvesters down. It will be an extremely minor inconvenience to me, or none at all.
Current XP l rates I like a lot. Lowering them is likely to discourage new players from giving Res3 a try. Why would you want to do that?
5x XP is a selling point for Res3, 5x harvesting is not.
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