Open - Other - Outdoors - Unify Creature Color Palettes | Star Wars Galaxies Restoration

Open Other Outdoors Unify Creature Color Palettes

This idea/suggestion is Open. You can respond to ask questions or discuss the idea and either vote it up or down if you believe it should or should not be implemented, respectively. Popular suggestions and ideas will be considered by the development team to become reality in-game.
Jun 13, 2021
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Unify Creature Color Palettes under one Identical Expanded Color Palette.

The colors are inconsistent, limited and different for each kind of pet. It can be rather frustrating to not being able to pick a desired color for your pet because it doesn't have it.

Eliminating inconsistency and providing variety.

Unify Creature Color Palettes

There are a ton of color palettes for creatures, but many of them miss a lot of color shades or specific colors like white, while other creatures have them.
This can be the cause of discontent among the pet enjoyers due to not being able to customize their pets. It is also inconsistent.
It is important because customization is an important part of the game.

I think these should be United under One Identical Expanded Color Palette.

As far as I know, it has been mentioned that the developers plan to unify clothing/armor color palettes under the same palette.
With this in mind, I believe that creatures should receive the same treatment.

Check the image to see how many color palettes are there for creatures.

Developer Input Regarding this Idea (Discord):

Link to the message
"Just a general note on all the pv’s surrounding color changes:

While everyone on the team generally supports expanding color customization for players, many of these tasks of unifying palettes across the board would be quite time consuming to do right, and would likely create a lot problems that we would then try to clean up (Neon yellow Tanrays by default covering Mustafar for example, and a hundred other similar problems).

It would be a smaller lift to suggest less sweeping changes that don’t involve modifying literally thousands of files. Unifying palettes for clothing and creatures would involve many files. A single item of clothing can have many shaders that would have to be manually edited to point to new palettes, and then new default colors chosen for each. Then do this for all the levels of details for each item. If we miss even one of these fields and it conflicts with the others, then it breaks on compile and can’t be colored until we trace the problem, fix, test, and patch. For thousands of files. Just some background so you guys know what’s involved. This doesn’t mean it won’t happen, it’s just a lot of work.

A more practical suggestion in the meantime- adding specific groups of colors to specific palettes that seem unnecessarily limiting. The earth-tones palette needs more greens, the Imperial palette needs blacks and whites etc. Bonus points if you can screenshot color swatches to add. Hi-fives if you can provide a list of the objects in game that would be affected.

Then get your Senator onboard and we can have a practical list and get it done.There’s definitely some changes that would be awesome and make the world more alive and give you more options, we just need a little help identifying the small things that would have big impact. (edited)"
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Reactions: Chedatl and Dnamra
Will up vote this, we have wanted the tailor Palette to be unified with every color for a while now. (Just a QOL request)
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As far as I know, it has been mentioned that the developers plan to unify clothing/armor color palettes under the same palette.
With this in mind, I believe that creatures should receive the same treatment.
Yes because there’s no realism limitation to changing armor/clothing colors, but animals are species and have specific color ranges based on lore, so in theory, we’d need to be careful about approaching this so we don’t end up with anything crazy. But it’s probably an open question more broadly where the line should be because we’ve generally considered players to not be part of the fictional world itself, whereas everything else is, maybe we should extend that to pets.
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Yes because there’s no realism limitation to changing armor/clothing colors, but animals are species and have specific color ranges based on lore, so in theory, we’d need to be careful about approaching this so we don’t end up with anything crazy. But it’s probably an open question more broadly where the line should be because we’ve generally considered players to not be part of the fictional world itself, whereas everything else is, maybe we should extend that to pets.
Understandable, thank you.
Extending the same attitude from players to pets could make sense as it is a possesion of the player, similar to armor/clothing, so they would have a big choice in colors. But of course seeing purple Banthas/Tanrays may be crazy.