Update PvP reward weapon stats to match stats of Heroic weapons

Update PvP reward weapon stats to match stats of Heroic weapons
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Galactic Senator
We should review and update Battlefield and General Ranked PvP weapons to make sure these rewards do not lag behind the Heroic and Collection weapons.

General ranked weapons should reflect similar stats to the Legendary rewards from Nightmare Heroic runs.
Battlefield and General ranked weapons reflect a large investment of time, similar to the Heroics. That should be rewarded.
I'm getting more involved in endgame activity. I recently noticed it.
Some of the collectable and PvP weapons have fallen behind the increased performance of Heroic and collection rewards. They should be updated to keep up with the increased potential of PvE rewards.

For example, the DD6 and P-8 Lamprey have 38m range. The Battlefield and the General Ranked PvP weapons are 35m.

We should also consider updating the General ranked weapons to match the Legendary Heroic weapons when deconstructed.
General weapons already have insane damage boosts from their procs. They don't need weapon stats to be on par, as well. Battlefield weapons are already the same tier as Heroic weapons, infact they're better because of the exotics you get to keep on recraft.
The pistols are missing the range +3m boost their Heroic and collection counterparts have. I don't really use the other weapons yet, so I'm not aware if there's a disparity in performance there.

The Exceptional Rebel DL-44 doesn't seem to have a proc, and is also missing the 3m. Am I missing something about it?

I don't believe they should outperform the PvE counterparts, simply that they should keep up with them.

I did look on TC at the rest of the general weps, and they do have the proc you're talking about.
They should all have the proc if they come from the general vendor. You must be a general to get the proc, that’s why we call em general weapons. It far outweighs any 3m range boost or an extra 1% weapon damage boost.
Raws from TC. No proc on DL-44.
