Open - Force Sensitive - PvP - Combat - Ysalamir nutrient packs | Star Wars Galaxies Restoration

Open Force Sensitive PvP Combat Ysalamir nutrient packs

This idea/suggestion is Open. You can respond to ask questions or discuss the idea and either vote it up or down if you believe it should or should not be implemented, respectively. Popular suggestions and ideas will be considered by the development team to become reality in-game.
Feb 21, 2023
Reaction score
Impliment Ysalamir nutrient packs like Moof Mud as a purchasable item from a vendor (credit sink).
Create it like Force Shield but for non force users.
Jedi are really powerful, Just an idea to bring a little more utility to fight them as a normie that can easily be tweaked but fits in the Star Wars universe
Jedi dominate, no one comes out to fight
Introduce the Ysalamir nutrient pack that thrawn used to dampen force users in resto. It fits witht he timeline and also nothing to do with disney.

Introduce it like mood mud for ease and give it a short burst maybe like wafers like 30 seconds but a long cool down of say 10 minutes.

You can make it work like force shield but for non force users.

For balancing you can then tweak duration, cooldown and strength of shield. Add other resistances if required (saber for example) or add item for sabers seperately.

** Ideally a new creature to hunt, harvest/loot and then craft would be amazing, but moof mud style more time effective for implimentation if approved.
Last edited:
Apr 22, 2024
Reaction score
North Carolina
I have read this a few times and I am having trouble understanding the use case for this. I will be the first to admit that I do not know what "force shield" does, so that may be affecting my understanding.

Who would be the primary users for this?
What benefits would they get from it?
Who would make/craft/harvest this?
How would another player counter this?
How could this be exploited?
Feb 21, 2023
Reaction score
I have read this a few times and I am having trouble understanding the use case for this. I will be the first to admit that I do not know what "force shield" does, so that may be affecting my understanding.

Who would be the primary users for this?
What benefits would they get from it?
Who would make/craft/harvest this?
How would another player counter this?
How could this be exploited?

Ysalamir nutrient packs

Who would be the primary users for this?
This was a idea to give something to the normies to have to help combat jedi with something used in the universe which could be unique but utilises something that already exists so is likely more possible to develop.

What benefits would they get from it?
Force Shield from wiki may difer on resto slightly
Force Shield Percentage damage reduction from Force Power attacks (functions similarly to toughness).

This is a direct percentage reduction. For example, if your Force Shield was 25 you would receive 25% less damage from an attack (attack damage x ((100 - 25) / 100)). Note that it only works against Force Power attacks and not melee, ranged, or Lightsaber attacks.

The default mod when using Force Shield 1 is +25 and for Force Shield 2 is +45. However, these values increase as you climb through the FRS, being influenced by the Force Control modifier.

So only a weak force shield for a normie with lasts liek 30 seconds seconds like a wafer and has a long cool down of 10 minutes so really its likely at best 2 per fight.

Who would make/craft/harvest this?
Adding crafting / harevesting of new items is alot of dev time and my experience from the PVs makes them avoided. So the Idea is an item bought from the smuggler pirate vendor like moof mud and is also a credit sink.

How would another player counter this?
Its a brief shield reduction to a certain type of damage, same as you would with synthsteak and other short buffs.

How could this be exploited?
Im sure a degenerate will somehow lol, but realistically its a short defense against a certain type of damage which can be tweak an balanced. But if you are force sensitive you cant use the item .

Then for lightsaber damage, you could do something similar with say temporary Orbalisk_armor item which act the same but the different damage.
Last edited:
Apr 22, 2024
Reaction score
North Carolina
OK. That makes more sense to me.

I was unsure if it was intended to be something for Jedis or in response to them.

Would be a neat addition as a Master Smuggler reward for Underworld Missions or as a drop from hihg-end bounties.