Etinoca Realty

Etinoca Realty
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  • Etinoca Realty is an in-game real estate metagame that allows players to purchase unique, highly desirable housing plots inside or adjacent to NPC cities within Star Wars Galaxies (known as "premium plots"). It was created primarily as a credit sink by the Development Team but also to offer very high-end player rewards.
    Etinoca is an anagram for the name of Restoration Developer, Aconite.

    To be considered to make a real estate acquisition, your character must have a net worth of at least one billion (1B) in credits on hand.

    When you have reached the net worth minimum, you can contact the Development Team to view property listings. The Development Team uses a white-glove approach to this process, teleporting you around the game and showing property (which costs at least 1B) and environmental choices. Included in the purchase, the Development Team also works with you to customize the property exteriors and interiors to match your tastes and goals and to ensure the property fits in with the environment of the NPC city.

    The first plot sold was on September 5, 2022, for a house outside of the bazaar terminals in Mos Eisley. While each plot and environmental design choices are unique, this specific plot included a Tatooine Guide Hall Style 2, flavor NPCs spawned outside, lighting and ambient decor, furnishings on the roof, and a custom sign design.

    The Development Team has not disclosed many program details and indicated keeping the program details secretive was intentional as part of the highly customized, white-glove, luxury experience and because the Development Team did not want to create bias with what players should ask for, as "each personalized plot experience should be unique and the player should ask for what they want and we [the Development Team] will work with the purchaser from there." What has been confirmed is:

    Using the special premium plots is a privilege, not an entitlement. Accounts must be in good standing with no recent disciplinary history and must maintain that status to keep their structure.

    Structures can generally be placed in limited locations. Structures are generally considered only for placement on Tatooine, Naboo, or Corellia, and the structure must be of the planetary type that matches the NPC city style. There are also a "very limited number of premium plots that are available overall." However, it may be possible to place structures on planets that don't normally allow structure placement. But if an offer were made, the Development Team has indicated that "it would be at a premium price even higher than the minimum 1B threshold already required to be considered for purchase."

    Lots and paying maintenance are still required like normal. The structure owner is still required to have lots available to own the structure and is still required to pay maintenance. Maintenance costs for premium plots include a "premium plot leasing fee" that is substantially more expensive than regular maintenance costs for a structure, but the specific fees are unknown.

    You own the structure once it is placed. You can sell or transfer the structure once it has been purchased. Once the structure has been placed, it is yours to own, just as any other structure. The Development Team does not provide the final price of any specific premium plots so that you can sell them based on the property's perceived value in the future. However, if you sell to a new owner and they wish to change the environmental design, they will still be charged the premium plot fees anew based on current market rates. Likewise, if you pack or remove the house for any reason, you will be charged the current market premium plot rates to place it again.