Rryatt Trail Trials - Barc Speeder

Rryatt Trail Trials - Barc Speeder
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  • Rryatt Trail Trials - for SWG Restoration this is a side quest to obtain the BARC speeder, the Knuckles of the Katarn, The Katarn Hunting Trophy, and a Badge.

    NOTE: I have copied a lot of verbiage from the SWG wiki but correcting with the encounters I had last night 10/4/22. To have the quest as up to date as possible and edited for confusing dialogue they used. I completed everything on this quest up to the Minstyngar hunt solo as a TKM and MDoc lvl 80. The rest were completed with a CH/Doc also level 80. The Minstyngars are were it gets tougher.

    Before you start​

    Talk to Achonnko (Master Trail Guide) (-724 -532) in the hut across from Krepauk, he will give you the Rryatt Trail Mastery quest so you can fast travel to the different zones so you're not spending 4 hours walking like I did.

    The start of the Rryatt Trail Quest

    Krepauk the Huntmaster (-708, -478) is the quest giver for the Rryatt Trail Trials. He can be found at the healing tent as you enter the Trails just before the first bridge on the left.

    Conversation with Krepauk​

    Krepauk: Greetings and welcome to the Rryatt Trail. As an important part of Kashyyyk tradition, Wookiees come to the trail to prove themselves as warriors. Would you like to undertake some of the trail of the Rryatt Trail?
    PC: Yes, tell me more.
    Krepauk: To show that you are an accomplished warrior, you must defeat some of the fierce denizens of the Rryatt Trail. First, I would like you to hunt walluga skullsmashers. Kill 16 of them and then return to me.
    PC: I'll do it.
    Krepauk: You will not have to descend any deeper into the Rryatt Trail to find walluga skullsmashers. Hunt and kill 16 of them and then return to me.

    Hunting Walluga Skullsmashers​

    Level: 54
    • XP
    • 5000 Credits
    Hunt and kill walluga skullsmashers on the Rryatt Trail.

    The Wallugaas are on the same level of the Rryatt Trail as Krepauk. They are in groups of 3 generally and some with larger packs the deeper you go on the trail. Don't ask the Wookie guide to take you down to the next level as you won't find any! It is recommended that you proceed to the end of the High Grounds and go down one level and then back up to gate to make the next part faster.

    Return to Krepauk​

    Krepauk: Very good. You have completed the walluga skullsmasher hunt. Next, I ask of you to defeat the crazed former jedi who is hiding on the Rryatt Trail. His name is Urootar. He is dangerous and not welcome on the trail. Please go defeat him.
    PC: I'll do it.
    Krepauk: You will find Urootar somewhere on the second level of the Rryatt Trail. He still knows some tricks with the force, so please be cautious. Return to me once you have defeated him.

    Defeat the Crazed Ex-Jedi​

    Level: 60
    • XP
    • 7500 Credits
    Defeat the crazed ex-Jedi hiding on the Rryatt Trail.

    If you reached the end of the High Grounds​

    Defeat the Crazed Ex-Jedi​

    You can find Urootar (a crazed former Jedi), cl56 silver elite, on the 2nd level of the Rryatt Trail, the High Grounds around waypoint 218, 585, you can go left before or after the Rodian camp toward the end of the area. But you have to go left before the big bridge with the single mob in the middle.

    Don't forget to pick up the Exemplar's Mark behind the Jedi's tent, it's for a collection.

    Return to Krepauk​

    Continue going across the bridge and ask the trail guide to take you down first. Once you arrive at the next section, you can ask to take you back to the gate. If you go back to the gate first you'll have to make the whole trip again.

    Krepauk: Urootar was a powerful foe. You have done well to defeat him. For your next hunt, I ask you to cleanse the Rryatt Trail of feral Wookiees. The terrors of the Rryatt Trail proved to be too much for these Wookiees, and they reverted to a primitive, animal-like state. Please cleanse the trail of these feral Wookiees and in doing so, give those Wookiees an end to their suffering.
    PC: I'll do it.
    Krepauk: Thank you. Please send 24 feral Wookiees to the peaceful slumber of their final rest. You will find these Wookiees on the fourth level of the Rryatt Trail. Return to me once you are finished.

    Cleanse the Trail​

    Level: 79
    • 490000 Weapon XP
    • 124400 Combat XP
    • 10000 Credits
    Cleanse the Rryatt Trail of feral Wookiees.

    You'll have to venture through the much of the Worshyr canopy before you can find any feral Wookiees. To get to the 4th area you'll need to go to the tip of the spear of the canopy. There you'll find the way down to the Web Weaver Path. There, you will find initially small groups of Wookiees and spiders. If you keep going you'll find a village of feral Wookiees to quickly finish this quest. Keep going and you'll find the next elevator down and then go back to the gate.

    Return to Krepauk​

    Krepauk: Thank you. Bringing peace to those feral Wookiees was a painful, but necessary task. Your next hunt is the most dangerous yet. You will hunt minstyngar on the lowest level of the Rryatt Trail. The minstyngar that are your targets are minstyngar bloodspillers, minstyngar deathcallers, and minstyngar bonecrushers. Do not take these creatures lightly for they are formidable prey.
    PC: I'll do it.
    Krepauk: You will find these minstyngar on the lowest level of the Rryatt Trail. You are hunting minstyngar bloodspillers, minstyngar deathcallers, and minstyngar bonecrushers and only those. Kill 24 of them and return to me when the hunt is done.

    Rryatt Trail Minstyngar Hunt​

    Level: 82
    Hunt the ferocious minstyngar on the lowest level of the Rryatt Trail.

    Minstyngar Hunt​

    Head to the 5th level of the Rryatt Trail, The Shadowed Lands. This area is full of mobs. You'll have to pass the gotals and go a little deeper into the forest to begin finding the minstyngars. They are pretty tanky and it's doable solo it'll take longer.

    NOTE: You will only get credit for killing certain Minstyngars; Minstyngar Bloodspiller, Minstyngar Bonecrusher, and Minstyngar Deathcaller as he says in the dialogue so none from the canopy will work. Kill 24 of them, then return to Krepauk.

    Return to Krepauk​

    Krepauk: You are truly a masterful hunter to have successfully killed a prey such as those minstyngar. You have but one trial remaining, but it is by far the most perilous. Your last hunt is to kill a katarn. The katarn is one of the most feared creatures on all of Kashyyyk. To defeat one, you will need all of your wits and skills at their peak. And a few friends to help as well.
    PC: I'll do it.
    Krepauk: You will find the katarn in the darkest depths of the Rryatt Trail. Have courage. Return to me when you have killed a katarn.

    Hunt the Katarn​

    Level: 87

    Hunt the feared Katarn in the depths of the Rryatt Trail.

    Head back to the 5th level of the Rryatt Trail, The Shadowed Lands. The Katarn (CL 82 golden Elite) usually spawns around 168, 30.

    Tough battle for sure, but I was a group of 2 TKA and we handled it pretty smoothly with our pets taking the brunt of the damage.

    Return to Krepauk​

    Krepauk: Honored hunter, you have bested the worst that the Rryatt Trail can send against you. You are a true warrior and an unparalled hunter. All of Kashyyyk honors your accomplishments.

    - ShadowXodus
    & inspo from https://swg.fandom.com/wiki/Rryatt_Trail_Trials