Not Implemented - 30 Min trying to find the trainer. | Star Wars Galaxies Restoration

Not Implemented 30 Min trying to find the trainer.

This idea/suggestion has been flagged as Not Implemented because of a lack of popularity, lack of interest, lack of feasibility, or other determination by the Development Team, so the suggestion will not be implemented. Once a suggestion has been flagged this way, the decision is final. Although the issue may be raised again in the future after a six month cooldown. A response explanation from the Development Team can be found in the thread.
Jan 31, 2022
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So the other day I am trying to find this trainer. Made a way point and map shows I am right on top of him yet he is nowhere to be found. Spent 30 min trying to find this person and gave up. This game needs serious fix for that. Neverwinter Nights the rpg on steam puts a line on the ground and you follow it and it will take you right to the person or place. This game needs that!
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
So the other day I am trying to find this trainer. Made a way point and map shows I am right on top of him yet he is nowhere to be found. Spent 30 min trying to find this person and gave up. This game needs serious fix for that. Neverwinter Nights the rpg on steam puts a line on the ground and you follow it and it will take you right to the person or place. This game needs that!
A tutorial for this game is needed and it is something that the devs are aware of, and I’m sure it is on their ever growing list of things to do.
Because of this we need to rely on the community to help us when we have issues. The #help channel on discord is the best place to ask if you are stuck or have questions or queries.
Here is a link to a new player guide which should help with alot or your questions, including player locations.

Is it reasonable to make that change? And what I mean when I ask this is, would it be very expensive or difficult to implement that? And wouldn't you say that would solve any issue of finding people or places. I'm sorry but just having a pointing arrow does not solve the problem.

Is it reasonable to make that change? And what I mean when I ask this is, would it be very expensive or difficult to implement that? And wouldn't you say that would solve any issue of finding people or places. I'm sorry but just having a pointing arrow does not solve the problem.

I'm assuming that trainer or whoever you were looking for was either upstairs or downstairs in the building you were in. The only people that would know how reasonable it was would be the devs. It's a balance with limited people working on a project making a change like this and shifting priority from what they are currently focused on. Not saying it's a bad idea - I'm sure it would help some people. I'd also be curious how you made your waypoint - because if you googled a waypoint for a trainer, that could explain it. Many trainers are located in guild halls in major cities and not where they used to be in other iterations of the game.
Is it reasonable to make that change? And what I mean when I ask this is, would it be very expensive or difficult to implement that? And wouldn't you say that would solve any issue of finding people or places. I'm sorry but just having a pointing arrow does not solve the problem.

There are lots of areas that need attention, a tutorial being one of them, but given low staff numbers and demand for other things, it’s been put down of the list and newer players need to reply on the community via discord or player created Wikis to help until such a thing is implemented.
I understand it’s frustrating, but use the community to help you, it’s what we are here for. Myself and others have done wiki pages helping new players and in those the trainers locations are mentioned.
Next time you’re stuck, check the wiki or ask in discord. It’ll save you 30 mins of head scratching when you could be pew pewing.
I located the trainer on the map and marked the waypoint right on top of him basically. I didn't google anything and I saw no upstairs and I went in many buildings. I'm saying this method completely takes all guesswork out of it. I would just like it to be considered/passed on.

I know the NGE tutorial has lines to follow, but the SWG waypoint system has always been the same since day 1.

We’ll have to wait for the devs to address this PV and see what they say.
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I feel your pain. When i beginned here 5 months ago, i did the same with BE trainer.. i googled location, try to find it, and run around and round more than an hour, but somebody pointed the way, when i asked.

For this not happened again with some else when wiki got active, i created the location page included all of the trainers, so you just need to copy waypoint and go inside the building in the point room.

Wiki 'Trainer's locations'

It's a better system than was in live, when some trainers was around the galaxy, and not in one area. So if you find someone confused about it, just point the way to the wiki to him/her
I am suggesting they implement a better way of getting a player to their destination. As I stated earlier the mmorpg called Neverwinter which is on steam. Whenever you set a waypoint or have a quest they put a flashy line on the ground in front of you to follow and it will take you to the exact location you need to be at. There is no getting lost with it and I always appreciated that. No waste of your time. I wish they would do that for this game. So much better than the arrow they have now.
I am suggesting they implement a better way of getting a player to their destination. As I stated earlier the mmorpg called Neverwinter which is on steam. Whenever you set a waypoint or have a quest they put a flashy line on the ground in front of you to follow and it will take you to the exact location you need to be at. There is no getting lost with it and I always appreciated that. No waste of your time. I wish they would do that for this game. So much better than the arrow they have now.
Yup and I agree, its a lot more direct and more helpful. I’m sure your suggestion will be taken on board.
I am suggesting they implement a better way of getting a player to their destination. As I stated earlier the mmorpg called Neverwinter which is on steam. Whenever you set a waypoint or have a quest they put a flashy line on the ground in front of you to follow and it will take you to the exact location you need to be at. There is no getting lost with it and I always appreciated that. No waste of your time. I wish they would do that for this game. So much better than the arrow they have now.
We dont need line on the ground, we have on screen waypoint monitor, that not on by default. You can set in Options (O) - Interface - and look for on screen waypoint monitor
Lines on the ground were an NGE thing, I doubt you'll see much love for that kind of hand holding in this version of SWG. If that's the thrust if this PV I'll down vote.

Now I'm more intrigued as to why you got a waypoint that you couldn't find the destination to. Was it an elevation thing? Was it a player city that had lost the placed trainer? Was it a game error?
So the other day I am trying to find this trainer. Made a way point and map shows I am right on top of him yet he is nowhere to be found. Spent 30 min trying to find this person and gave up. This game needs serious fix for that. Neverwinter Nights the rpg on steam puts a line on the ground and you follow it and it will take you right to the person or place. This game needs that!
The game used to have that, maybe it still does.
Try the command /find shuttle and see if a line is drawn on the ground to the shuttleport.
I am 100% sure it used to be in this game.
Not talking about the NGE either, in fact I think it is a pre-cu thing - i bet it is on finalizer.
You have to use the /find command though, not a waypoint.

Here you go:
/findBrings up list of commonly searched for locations. Selecting a location will create a waypoint to the nearest one of that type and will produce a lighted path leading you to it. To remove the waypoint you created, type /find clear.

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Also - If the trainer was not there - then it's a bug. What will change if you have a line on the ground going to the same place and no one is there? The line would solve nothing in this scenario.
We made all the trainers easy to find and grouped them up so other players that require similar training can find players.