A Certain Casino

A Certain Casino
This idea/suggestion has been flagged as Not Implemented because of a lack of popularity, lack of interest, lack of feasibility, or other determination by the Development Team, so the suggestion will not be implemented. Once a suggestion has been flagged this way, the decision is final. Although the issue may be raised again in the future after a six month cooldown. A response explanation from the Development Team can be found in the thread.
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My proposal is the inclusion of the Vikki and Vance Casino on Nar Shadda. This hot spot would introduce a familiar place for a not so familiar area. Allowing the people of Resto to socialize, relax, earn Credits, and much much more. The Vikki and Vance Casino would be a team run Casino and player hub that welcomes everyone equally.
I believe the Justifications speak for themselves but in the event that they don't hit home with everyone i will elaborate. The Vikki and Vance Casino is a place that the players of Resto will come to love and adore as everyone on board with the team will work together to provide a pleasant and enjoyable atmosphere. It will be a destination that will offer players a place to be entertained, be fed, relax, and of course spend or make credits. The Vikki and Vance Casino would offer entertainers a new place for them to dazzle the populous. We would also have on staff vendors serving food and drink for the public. We could introduce a safe way for players to gamble for cool rewards and or items and maintain a safe way to do so by implementing a chip style currency that is handed out once per day upon visiting the Casino. On top of other ideas I'd be happy to discuss later down the line!
My motivation on the Vikki and Vance casino is to add a new popular hot spot to a brand new location. We are well aware that the Cantina on Mos Eisley is well worn from the years of usage and is in dire need of a break. That's where the Vikki and Vance casino comes in offering a fresh place for the Galaxy's Residents to come take a load off, socialize, and enjoy themselves to the fullest!
Howdy y'all! My name is super smoking Spy, but some of y'all may know me as primm slim on resto. With the introduction of nar shada over the horizon, I would like to cast out an idea for a specific casino to be added. What casino you ask? Why the Vikki and Vance casino of course! Allow me, Primm Slim (aka Super Smoking Spy), to walk you through my grand idea as we Discuss the inclusion of The Vikki and Vance Casino.
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