A new space part stat, that compares itself to the st.txt list, and tells us what percent it is (or at least if it's 95+%)

A new space part stat, that compares itself to the st.txt list, and tells us what percent it is (or at least if it's 95+%)
This idea/suggestion has been flagged as Implemented so it has (or will be) implemented into the game in some capacity. More information can be found in the post from the development team.
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Add a stat that either lists the % compared to the spacetribe info, or at least says yes (green) / no (red) for if it's a 95%+ part.
We already have the data, it would be realitively easy to implement, and there really isn't any downside.
It would greatly speed up part checking and serve as a double check for those doing it from memory
We spend so much time having to check these parts, it would be nice if it would at least tell us what % it is, or a yes/no for if it's a 95%+ part. It doesn't even need to say which stat (we can still check that manually for any that are 95% or more), but it would be so nice to be able to tell at a glance if it is or not. Yes, I know many are so tuned into it they can tell from memory, but not everyone is, and it would be nice to have to confirmation.
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I dont think this is really needed, And for the amount of dev time and effort that needs to be spent on this then its not really worth it IMO on somethingso minor
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