Add a command to go on leave

Add a command to go on leave
This idea/suggestion is Open. You can respond to ask questions or discuss the idea and either vote it up or down if you believe it should or should not be implemented, respectively. Popular suggestions and ideas will be considered by the development team to become reality in-game.
Have a command that allows us to go on leave without the requirement to visit a factional recruiter. Basically the reverse of going combatant in the first place with /pvp. The timer could be longer than the 5 mins currently available after speaking to the recruiter to make up for the convenience.
I think this would make GCW more appealing to myself and others
I am tempted to get more involved in the GCW in future but this is one of the things that puts me of as it is such a nuisance to do and I have not seen any justification for it. If it was easier to go on leave I would be tempted to more get involved in the GCW
Could we have to ability to use a command to go on leave instead of having to visit a factional recruiter ?
I'd support this if the timer was at least 30 minutes. Jumping back and forth between duty and leave to avoid certain NPC fights feels like too much of an exploit.