Add Armor to Profession Trees

Add Armor to Profession Trees
This idea/suggestion is Open. You can respond to ask questions or discuss the idea and either vote it up or down if you believe it should or should not be implemented, respectively. Popular suggestions and ideas will be considered by the development team to become reality in-game.


Galactic Senator
Add additional Armor to profession trees for non-Jedi.

These are examples of what you could do and why; i'm not saying to do it; just giving examples of what could be done.

Bounty Hunter = Every box except Master gets +110 Armor. This equals an additional 1870 armor, and then the Master box can be +130 to equal an additional 2000 armor.

Berserker = Every box except Master gets +80 Armor. This equals an additional 1360 armor, and then the Master box can be +140 to equal an additional 1500 armor. (Just an example, I am sure other melee trees could get armor).

Commando = Every box except Master gets +65 Armor; this is so a Teras Kazi Master can't just grab the grenade tree (for example). This equals an additional 1105 armor, and then the Master box can be +95 to equal an additional 1200 armor.

Squad Leader = Every box except Master gets +45 Armor; this further incentivizes getting more skill boxes and equals an additional 765 armor, and then the Master box can be +85 to equal an additional 850 armor.

Doctor = Every box except Master gets +40 Armor; this further incentivizes getting more skill boxes and equals an additional 680 armor, and then the Master box can be +70 to equal an additional 750 armor
The Armor values are based off the NGE. Adding armor past a certain point suffers diminishing returns but only Jedi are able to get to this point and I believe it makes sense, especially for normal players to get the same opportunity to get a little more base damage reduction. Small changes like this will push normal plyers to be able to do better in combat which is gravely required at the moment.

A lot of professions in some way gained additional armor in the NGE, even Medic (NGE) gained some additional armor on their Defensive Tree, this is because of the way it scales and the way Armor diminishing returns works.
I like seeing improvements to the game and I thought it would be cool to see more variation in the profession trees. We rely way too much on a single protection (+defense) in my opinion and we could use more variation in gameplay.
Variety is the spice of life and I feel like we rely on one type of defense too much when NGE and older versions of the game had dodge, block, additional armor, damage reduction, dot damage reduction... ectect.
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Ent buffs give 2k resistance, each. 1k can be gained from SL, Static base stims give a ton, armor layers, the list goes on. Mitigation loses meaning past 9k, this is a complete waste of time.

This isn’t a PV to increase normie class effectiveness, this is a PV to make it so you don’t have to actually play the game to get the same resistances as someone who does.

Did you bother consulting any of the melee experts on the server who’ve been resoundingly successful as to why they don’t play melee, currently? Or did you come to these conclusions based on some inaccurate thought experiment you did?
Don't forget officer innate armor and psgs.
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I see where you're coming from, but I don't agree. Armor bonus makes sense for NGE expertise, but not pre-NGE profession boxes. As others have said, there are many items in game to increase armor further than what an armor set provides. The only exception is Jedi, since they do not wear armor.
Even though all of these things existed in NGE, and PSGs are not considered armor at all; I will concede. If you all don't think it's worth it; then it's not.