Open - Artisan - Allow foods, drinks, spice, and stims from the same manufacturing run to be stackable up to 1,000 | Star Wars Galaxies Restoration

Open Artisan Allow foods, drinks, spice, and stims from the same manufacturing run to be stackable up to 1,000

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Nov 16, 2021
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Allow foods, drinks, spice, and stims from the same manufacturing run to be stackable up to 1,000
I am NOT suggesting that we change anything to affect output quantities and therefore the economy.
I simply want to make combat, both PVP and PVE, more fun. Digging through my inventory every 20 minutes to pull out more supplies does not make the game more fun or immersive. Let me set it on my toolbar and forget it.
Please see proposal/justification/motivation
Just clarifying - This is not anything to do with factory crates - you're saying you want (for example) a run of Exo protein wafers with a quantity of want to be able to take 2 stacks out of a factory crate and drag them together to make a stack of 16 (all the way up to 1000)? Is that correct?
I would like to add grenades to this list as well, but that would help/affect far less people, and should be last in priority
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Since I have to think about these things - in some cases - mainly with food - I don't know if I like this proposal.

I think this would minimize the importance of experimenting on quantity or having any sort of resource quality that affects quantity and those points would lean towards other things (duration/strength) - in favor of people who have more credits as they can afford to buy more to make up for the lack of quantity per stack and just make their own super stacks.
Since I have to think about these things - in some cases - mainly with food - I don't know if I like this proposal.

I think this would minimize the importance of experimenting on quantity or having any sort of resource quality that affects quantity and those points would lean towards other things (duration/strength) - in favor of people who have more credits as they can afford to buy more to make up for the lack of quantity per stack and just make their own super stacks.
tbh I'd be willing to bet that most if not all food is already made for strength or duration first. I'd also bet that quantity is very likely the least used tissue and experiment line for food if it is even used at all
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Since I have to think about these things - in some cases - mainly with food - I don't know if I like this proposal.

I think this would minimize the importance of experimenting on quantity or having any sort of resource quality that affects quantity and those points would lean towards other things (duration/strength) - in favor of people who have more credits as they can afford to buy more to make up for the lack of quantity per stack and just make their own super stacks.
I disagree, experimenting on quantity still allows you to save credits at the cost of some effectiveness. Fill is the main gate behind spamming food. If anything, what you're describing applies more to stims/nades/booster
I disagree, experimenting on quantity still allows you to save credits at the cost of some effectiveness. Fill is the main gate behind spamming food. If anything, what you're describing applies more to stims/nades/booster
stims maybe, enhancers hit pretty big use counts anyway, spice is legit all the same and grenade quantity is something that cant be altered. Just saves you from needing to uncrate tons of the same thing pre-emptively cuz you cant remove from crates in combat
tbh I'd be willing to bet that most if not all food is already made for strength or duration first. I'd also bet that quantity is very likely the least used tissue and experiment line for food if it is even used at all
100% this. Effectiveness then duration.

Quanity for very few and not sure fill is changed for any really.
Yeah, I think the number of foods that I don't experiment effectiveness first can be counted on one hand (Starshine, Kommerken, Ranged Crispic, Ruby Bilel). It also doesn't help that Fill is relatively inelastic to experimenting it seems, at least for the quality resource i have available.

Maybe instead of stacking to create the super charges item, just a new option on the crate to extract and merge instead. Though not sure how techncially challenging either approach would be.

I'm neutral on this one, but maybe I've just accepted my own inventory nightmare.
I see no reason why you cant stack food items or grenades with the same serial number
I can't speak to food. It seems my initial issue probably isn't much of an issue after some of the feedback. I'm not a dev so I don't know how much of a pain this would be to figure out from a technical side of things - especially because it sounds like the gripe is having to manage inventory. Grenades would be different though, because you have to take into account how sliced and PuP'd grenades would work - as I'm sure the intent would not be to stack 1000 grenades and slice it once.

I'm assuming the main driver of this is so people don't run out of Exo, Ruby, Stims, and booster blue mid fight - and a way to get around inventory constraints.
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I can't speak to food. It seems my initial issue probably isn't much of an issue after some of the feedback. I'm not a dev so I don't know how much of a pain this would be to figure out from a technical side of things - especially because it sounds like the gripe is having to manage inventory. Grenades would be different though, because you have to take into account how sliced and PuP'd grenades would work - as I'm sure the intent would not be to stack 1000 grenades and slice it once.

I'm assuming the main driver of this is so people don't run out of Exo, Ruby, Stims, and booster blue mid fight - and a way to get around inventory constraints.
yeah it gets weird with slicing true but tbh not having to slice every 10 grenades you use would be a nice QoL thing just have to restrict adding to that stack after use and grenade pups already have 500 uses anyway
side note: I suppose another solution for grenades is that they could always add grenade bundle schematics for WS that basically require 10x the components and resources and kick out a 100 use grenade
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If it's from the same factory crate I don't see why people would be opposed to being able to stack them. Fill is going to be the biggest issue anyway. On top of grenades why not do this for stims too? Literally anything out of a factory crate.
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The worst is when you accidentally get 4 of the same food out when lagging. Being able to stack the result would be heaven-sent.
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