Open - Social - Allow Mayors to move/ rotate houses in city limits | Star Wars Galaxies Restoration

Open Social Allow Mayors to move/ rotate houses in city limits

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Feb 2, 2022
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Give the mayor rights to move/rotate houses in city limits
it would help clean up the city while still keeping the house in city limits to keep up the numbers
we have a number of houses in the city of LOST that the players haven't logged on in sometime some up to 52 days
we would like to clean up the city and put all the houses in a row looking nice
Allow Mayors to move/ rotate houses in city limits
1. for players that haven't logged on in a period of time
2. to clean up city limits
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As much as it sounds tempting to me to have more powers as a mayor, I don't think we really need to do that with people's houses.
1/ You can plan your city in advance using this tool for example
2/ those who haven't been online 52 days will lose their citizenship in 38 more days anyway.
3/you can remove a house as a mayor at any time to clean the space and find active citizens to fill the spot.
As much as I understand the problem, I see a lot more "potential" problems if mayors had that power. Unlikely as it would seem today, anything is possible in the future, e.g. a new mayor takes over and puts all his friends in the prime locations.
Thus, I agree with Arvenia above, the current system is adequate to meet the needs of the mayor.
I think Gaddrick is right. A lot of guild members can go inactive for a while and the ability to move their homes without losing population count and the benefits that come with it would be a really nice perk.
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I definitely understand the predicament, but this really goes to the intent of these things NOT being in place. As sucky as it is - people not playing have the options to have their houses removed by the mayor of the city. Cities should ideally be made up of active players, and subsequently 'perks' of that city (shuttle, research bonus, etc.) are an inherent benefit of maintaining those numbers. By providing a workaround to losing inactive citizens, you take away from what Mayors and representatives of that city should be doing, and that is engaging and recruiting active members.
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I definitely understand the predicament, but this really goes to the intent of these things NOT being in place. As sucky as it is - people not playing have the options to have their houses removed by the mayor of the city. Cities should ideally be made up of active players, and subsequently 'perks' of that city (shuttle, research bonus, etc.) are an inherent benefit of maintaining those numbers. By providing a workaround to losing inactive citizens, you take away from what Mayors and representatives of that city should be doing, and that is engaging and recruiting active members.
your not rotating my houses!!!!! i like how they are lol
Allow Mayors to move/ rotate houses in city limits
1. for players that haven't logged on in a period of time
2. to clean up city limits
All mayors can packup any unwanted house.. if player has enough maintenance it stays in player's datapad, everything intact. Email notice provided by system notice. The packed up house no longer counts towards your city population and may put city rank in jeopardy. But you always have 2 weeks to build population back up. I don't agree on the ability of anyone to manipulate a players structure,other than packup.
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All mayors can packup any unwanted house.. if player has enough maintenance it stays in player's datapad, everything intact. Email notice provided by system notice. The packed up house no longer counts towards your city population and may put city rank in jeopardy. But you always have 2 weeks to build population back up. I don't agree on the ability of anyone to manipulate a players structure,other than packup.
thats not what were trying to do, we want to be able to pick up the house and move it to clean up the city, yes for those who havent been on in a bit pack them up but we dont want to loose the city count just clean it up. Thats the whole point of the post
your not rotating my houses!!!!! i like how they are lol
if your on game and active i would just ask you to move it, I wouldn't need to pick it up to move it. the whole point of the post is so that mayors can pick them up drop them where we want them and line them up with the others ( for the people that haven't logged on in a number of days). Not to randomly pick up a house of an active player
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Once a house is getting packed, the owner looses citizenship. My point here being that if s.o. is offline and doesn't reapply, it'll be same as having said player removed anyway..
I see what he's talking about. I have a citizen that placed his house right where a civic structure was to be. I would love to simply slide his house a few lots over. Time zones keep us missing each other online and he has not replied to in game mail. I don't want to pack up his house, just slide it over. So, I understand the argument for that ability.
Nah, I have a hard enough time remembering where my house is and /locate only works every 24hrs.