Allow spices to be stackable items

Allow spices to be stackable items
This idea/suggestion has been flagged as Implemented so it has (or will be) implemented into the game in some capacity. More information can be found in the post from the development team.
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Not stacking effects, but stacking items in inventory. Allow spices such as Booster Blue to come out of Factory Crates in stacks, or be stackable in your inventory.
As it is now, when purchasing factory crates of spices such as Booster Blue, they come out of the crate one at a time. This is annoying, and this would be more so a quality of life improvement for everyone. This would allow people to add stacks of booster blue or other spices to their toolbars for ease of use.
As it is now, the way spices come out of factory crates one at a time, there is no point in adding this to your toolbar like you would for quick food use such as synthsteak. Every 15 minutes, if in a longer play session in PvP or something, you'd have to open your inventory, use one of your spices, and close it. Or, have a bunch of single use spices in your side toolbar and keep using them, refilling it when it runs out. Wouldn't it be way easier if this item just stacked? I don't think this would have a negative impact on anything, or a game breaking impact either. Just...kinda would be easier. Thanks for hearing me out!
Allow spices to be stackable items. Seems weird that they are not to be honest...
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I was a little confused at first with this but you mean use spice from the factory crate and have it apply the effect instead of one at a time got it .
yeah like when you take Blob Candy or food out of a crate, its in a stack of however so many blob candies. Spices are just 1 item each taking up inventory space.
Still hoping this gets implemented. Takes up inventory space where if they can be stacked in inventory like enhancers and used from there, that would be preferable and a QoL improvement.
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