Allow the "Two-Handed Defense", "One-Handed Defense", "Polearm Defense" stats to work with Lightsabers.

Allow the "Two-Handed Defense", "One-Handed Defense", "Polearm Defense" stats to work with Lightsabers.
This idea/suggestion is Open. You can respond to ask questions or discuss the idea and either vote it up or down if you believe it should or should not be implemented, respectively. Popular suggestions and ideas will be considered by the development team to become reality in-game.


Galactic Senator
Two-Handed Defense works with Two-Handed Lightsabers.
Polearm Defense works with Double Bladed Lightsabers.
One-Handed Defense works with One-Handed Lightsabers.
Just makes sense, it also wouldn't unbalance anything as someone stacking Defense from Brawler wouldn't be a good Jedi anyways. It's also balanced around normies so fine for Jedi.

Also helps create builds that have no master tree, giving them *SOMETHING* to work with since they can't use heroic jewelry.

Good starting Jewelry for new players.

Makes Melee Jewelry more valuable.
I like weird builds, I may want to play a Jedi without a Master Tree without being crap.
Ugh. You and your neverending quest to avoid Master boxes or to make them useless. There are trade offs as it was meant to be. Want to play a "weird build" wll go ahead but please stop trying to make it be a Master level thing without Master box.
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Me: *Hey can we add this jewelry even people who can use it don't use*


Everything I do or ask for is to improve the game, especially for new players. I don't think it's a bad suggestion, but the needless hate is really pissing me off.
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It's not hate, at least not from me. But maybe, just maybe you can learn to word your statements better? For example

I like weird builds, I may want to play a Jedi without a Master Tree without being crap.

That is not a we statement or make it better for all kinda thingy. AND given your history....
You know what, since you got so chippy lets look at this then -

Me: *Hey can we add this jewelry even people who can use it don't use*

You, again, assuming others play/think like you so if you don't use they must not either.....

Everything I do or ask for is to improve the game, especially for new players

Except it is not for new players. Skipping the obvious I statements, new players can't play Jedi.

it also wouldn't unbalance anything as someone stacking Defense from Brawler wouldn't be a good Jedi anyways.

Besides the fact you assuming things again and stating them as fact it is also funny that you say that about defense while talking about wanting to play weird builds.

Sorry Vyrka but you bring a lot of this on yourself with your excessive use of assumptions, exaggeration, and hyperbole and ignoring others when they are polite. Add to that your lack of patience and well.....I am sorry if that gets you all chippy but that is not the aim.
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I don't like to hide what could be done, so yeah. That can be done.

There are tons of new players becoming Jedi.

I assume based on what I see, if its fine for a normie, why would it not be fine for a Jedi? Your logic makes no sense to me.

If it would be OP for a normie, wouldn't more people be using it?
Whatever, just you being The Vyrka as always. It's on me for being dumb and expecting different results.
Whatever, just you being The Vyrka as always. It's on me for being dumb and expecting different results.
Is this topic really the hill you want to die on? I understand some of my suggestions are crazy, but this is pretty tame and seems reasonable to me.

I'm going to edit out some of my anger, but that doesn't mean you didn't upset me.
Whatever, just you being The Vyrka as always. It's on me for being dumb and expecting different results.
This isn’t appropriate. Personal attacks are not welcome. You can discuss the idea and the merits thereof without devolving into ad hominem.