Aurillian Plant and Fruit Changes

Aurillian Plant and Fruit Changes
This idea/suggestion is Open. You can respond to ask questions or discuss the idea and either vote it up or down if you believe it should or should not be implemented, respectively. Popular suggestions and ideas will be considered by the development team to become reality in-game.
I propose that our highly regarded developers take a gander at this Aurillian fruit, and perhaps help give the ol' fruit some more pep in its step, to make it a more viable buff item, that is worthy of the effort it takes to get it. Could it have increased health, stamina or mind boost, or perhaps give some Force Power back to the consumer? I can't really encompasse all the myriad of ways a buff item might affect the game, but I do know there is room for improvement with this particular one. I could see this Fruit as giving increased Force Regen, with a longer cool down of course. Since it is not so readily available, supply would be slow but steady, and Jedi would use them more with care, when they are in a pinch. But really, any kind of change that is not a mere 1k flat health boost would be welcome.
The upkeep vs. reward of the Aurillian plant is too damn high! I jest, but in all seriousness, the amount of effort it takes to get an Small Aurillian Plant through its three stages to the final Large stage is a true test of one's mettle. People make graphs to track nutrient and water levels contra growth and health- I myself have several pages in my notebook that chronicle my arduous journey with this particular flora. And the rewards, in the end, are underwhelming. At normal growth, after a week of tender care at the large stage, you are rewarded A fruit that gives a mere 1000 heal buff- stackable yes, on a different cooldown than other heal buffs, yes. But alas, in my opinion, it still falls short of anything that's viable- demand in sales for this fruit is almost non existent.
I wish to see something that takes a great deal of effort to produce, to bear fruit. Excuse the pun. I see great potential in this particular buff item, with the difficulty it takes to acquire it, it is a real shame the long journey is not reflected in the result. It is my hope that something useful will become of this fruit, for the players and the growers to enjoy.
Those are my thoughts on this matter, I hope it resonates with the populi of R3. All the best, and May the Force be with you!


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I like this idea. I think they are a little lack luster for the amount of time an energy that goes into growing this plant and keeping it alive. +1
How about something unique, like...

- Double Jedi experience
- Increased Insight Chance
- Persuasion Increase (Reduced Vender Prices)

I don't really want a Force Power increase item that is hard to farm because it may become "required" to play the game.

Or being an ingredient to create a new Crystal.
How about something unique, like...

- Double Jedi experience
- Increased Insight Chance
- Persuasion Increase (Reduced Vender Prices)

I don't really want a Force Power increase item that is hard to farm because it may become "required" to play the game.

Or being an ingredient to create a new Crystal.

I do like the double Jedi experience. It can be viable for the rest of time to all who walk the path. I don’t think that suggestion would break the game in any sort of way, and it also isn’t going to be necessary for anyone to get it if they don’t want.

My upvote is for the change, but my preference would be what I quoted.