Balance Force Crystals; Don't Touch Regen!

Balance Force Crystals; Don't Touch Regen!
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The Current Force Crystal Balance Visualized

Let this cute lil' Plague Doctor High-light my issues!


My proposal is SIMPLE!

Make these set of crystals "Force Power Regeneration +5" instead of "Force Power Regeneration Bonus +5" and simply don't touch any other options. You don't need to touch regeneration if your going to raise the cost of everything else. A double nerf will most likely make things too unstable, and this will be a much more simple change.​

Why do this, especially since nobody uses regeneration crystals in high end?

"Ah! A very good question! That is because they can afford to! Force Powers will cost a lot more soon, so much more that I foresee chaos and homogeny in the future. Hopefully you can see why I would want this changed, given the visuals, right?"


Why nerf these crystals instead of nerfing Force Regeneration?

"Another very good question! It is because you will see everyone switch to these crystals if they do that. It gives 50 Force Regeneration, so if you make things cost more as they plan to, and then nerf other sources, they will be forced to use everything that gives more force regeneration, especially significant sources like these frankly overtuned crystals."

"I fully understand Ilum is coming somewhere in the future, but this is a quick fix until then."
Whats your Motivation?

"As a young plague doctor, I too held a glow stick! My favorite color is ORANGE, which currently kind of blows. I certainly don't want to be forced to use certain colors just to play, and I foresee just that happening after all the proposed changes."

Please take this into consideration, I put a lot of work into this to make it less text heavy and more to the point. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed the visuals I worked on, it took longer than an hour.
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Ok first it is annoying at times I would guess when people do not read up on something so let's look:

Aconite℠ — 06/10/2024 4:19 PM yes ilum will let you grow your own crystals with your own stats

Aconite℠ — 05/04/2024 4:19 PM Regarding Color Crystals:They are going to be entirely redesigned when Ilum is added. Some things may stay the same, some things will change. We intentionally focused on an interim workable solution when approaching the color crystal implementation that exists today. We will not be making changes to them until Ilum is released, so please taper your expectations and complaints accordingly

So you see the light now hopefully :)
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Something to be aware of with Force Regen:

Like all Regen stats, it's based around a rate *per second*. That means there are breakpoints; you can't gain 0.5 force in a single tick.

Force Regen says it gives you X force every 10 seconds.
Force Regen Bonus says it gives you X force every 1 second.

What this means in practice is that Force Regen is divided by 10, and then that's what is passed to the engine to have you gain every second. I believe that is then further divided into 0.25 second ticks. The reason we're in the mess with both of those stats, is that there needed to be another stat that actually had impact directly. 5 Force Regen on its own might do literally nothing, because it might not get you to the next breakpoint.

The better solution obviously is to make the regen code smarter, but that's just a very low level, hairy project to undertake. In the meantime, I introduced Force Regen Bonus as a stat to make sure it would actually register a meaningful difference.

The current color crystal implementation is definitely flawed, but it was just what we could do at the time. There are plans to drastically expand the color crystal customization though, as Tyr mentioned. A possibly simpler approach to take in the meantime would be to allow color crystals to "tune" into a random stat, rather than one fixed by their color, so you could find the right color/stat pairing that you like.
Something to be aware of with Force Regen:

Like all Regen stats, it's based around a rate *per second*. That means there are breakpoints; you can't gain 0.5 force in a single tick.

Force Regen says it gives you X force every 10 seconds.
Force Regen Bonus says it gives you X force every 1 second.

What this means in practice is that Force Regen is divided by 10, and then that's what is passed to the engine to have you gain every second. I believe that is then further divided into 0.25 second ticks. The reason we're in the mess with both of those stats, is that there needed to be another stat that actually had impact directly. 5 Force Regen on its own might do literally nothing, because it might not get you to the next breakpoint.

The better solution obviously is to make the regen code smarter, but that's just a very low level, hairy project to undertake. In the meantime, I introduced Force Regen Bonus as a stat to make sure it would actually register a meaningful difference.

The current color crystal implementation is definitely flawed, but it was just what we could do at the time. There are plans to drastically expand the color crystal customization though, as Tyr mentioned. A possibly simpler approach to take in the meantime would be to allow color crystals to "tune" into a random stat, rather than one fixed by their color, so you could find the right color/stat pairing that you like.
That.. is a very good temporary solution. If that can be done consider my thread closed.

Would even be cool if they had Premiums/such and extra damage like the unique styles. It would give inspiration to farm them, but the unique styles can always be a higher quality with a chance to be Premium.

I'd just remove Force Damage from the pool, and maybe do something about Deflection to make it better as a stat.
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we were doing so well with the player voices and now you’ve written a blog post with irrelevant content
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