BH PvE Space Bounties

BH PvE Space Bounties
This idea/suggestion is Open. You can respond to ask questions or discuss the idea and either vote it up or down if you believe it should or should not be implemented, respectively. Popular suggestions and ideas will be considered by the development team to become reality in-game.
This idea is great for it gives players more pve content to do in space outside of ace and nova orion missions. And it's a good segway into the wider JTL content.
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Reactions: EthavanCrowe
Love this idea! Wonder how far reaching would the community want bounties to reach? Just space around planets, or deep space too...?
Could add this option for bounties to the space stations. normal bounties just fighters with low-high tiers depending what cash they pay out and extremely dangerous some yt or gunsip with higher payouts etc

ps: maybe still keep it bh only though
What would an ED space bounty look like? Tier, ship type, will they have backup etc?
I'm thinking along the lines of how ground works now. ED would have to be scaled to really well geared ships like it is on the ground, though not needing geared out as much as PvP ships. Something along those lines anyway.
C'mon. Let us PvE'ers go to space now and again to hunt down our bounties!
For this to make sense to me we're talking hunting a Pirate captain on a merc cruiser with escort type difficult.

Would need to be more difficult than soloing the Vette, but not as difficult as a Lvl 1 Convoy.

Example setup I'd agree with would include-
T5 Merc Cruiser
T5 POB X 2

This would be more challenging than any pilot leveling mission without quite hitting T7 Space Duty, AoA, or Convoy difficulty.