Open - Artisan - Change behaviour of Droid 'Guard' command | Star Wars Galaxies Restoration

Open Artisan Change behaviour of Droid 'Guard' command

This idea/suggestion is Open. You can respond to ask questions or discuss the idea and either vote it up or down if you believe it should or should not be implemented, respectively. Popular suggestions and ideas will be considered by the development team to become reality in-game.
May 28, 2021
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Currently, when a Droid is set to 'Guard' mode, it will attack any enemy that damages its owner. I propose that this be changed so that the Droid will also automatically attack any enemy that its owner is attacking.
This is primarily a Quality of Life change and will have little to no impact on the overall power level of Droids. Additionally, Creature Handler pets currently operate on the proposed behaviour (automatically attacking any enemy which their master attacks) when they are set to 'Defensive' mode, so there is a precedent for it.
The current behaviour mostly works fine when solo, but in a group when usually only the tank is the one taking damage, other players have to manually issue commands to their Droids for every target. This change will allow for Droids to require less micromanagement, especially with the ongoing mouse over targeting bug.
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Reactions: Vanta9 and Sidu3217
I vehemently disagree with this. Guard behaviour is to protect from attacks. If you want to add an Assist behaviour thats one thing. But I do not want this changed on my droids. I wish this was the way a CH pet behaved.
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Reactions: Stormfinch
It's the start of a good idea, but can be tricky with CCs. If I have my droid out and fire a CC I don't want it to attack the target. The best solution for me would be attack working without mouse over.
Good idea in theory but I have to agree with RoHRemis on this

It's the start of a good idea, but can be tricky with CCs. If I have my droid out and fire a CC I don't want it to attack the target. The best solution for me would be attack working without mouse over.

If I put a paralyze on a target I don't want my droid to start attacking them. That makes it more complicated than changing the attack command to "a" and pressing one button followed by enter to get your droid to attack.