Open - Artisan - Change several resource cap/gates back to Live, SOE, rates at the time of the NGE | Page 6 | Star Wars Galaxies Restoration

Open Artisan Change several resource cap/gates back to Live, SOE, rates at the time of the NGE

This idea/suggestion is Open. You can respond to ask questions or discuss the idea and either vote it up or down if you believe it should or should not be implemented, respectively. Popular suggestions and ideas will be considered by the development team to become reality in-game.
May 28, 2021
Reaction score
A Gethub user changed several resource caps, in 2016, for SWG-Source that Resto is now using.
I propose Resto revert all those changes (commits) back to the Live, SOE, version. Specifically:
CR 1 - 1000, revert to 1 - 800
MA 1 - 1000, revert to 1 - 400
CD 1 - 1000, revert to 1 - 650
DR 1 - 1000, revert to 1 - 800
CR 1 - 1000, revert to 1 - 800
HR 1 - 1000, revert to 1 - 800
UT 1 - 1000, revert to 1 - 900
SR 1 - 1000, revert to 1 - 900
CD 1 - 1000, revert to 1 - 800
DR 1 - 1000, revert to 1 - 700
CR 1 - 1000, revert to 1 - 800
HR 1 - 1000, revert to 1 - 650
UT 1 - 1000, revert to 1 - 800
SR 1 - 1000, revert to 1 - 800
Siliclastic Ore
DR 1 - 1000, revert to 1 - 700
UT 1 - 1000, revert to 1 - 700
SR 1 - 1000, revert to 1 - 600
Ferrous Metal
CR 1 - 1000, revert to 1 - 800
MA 1 - 1000, revert to 1 - 600
CD 1 - 1000, revert to 1 - 650
Non Ferrous Metal
DR 1 - 1000, revert to 1 - 800
CR 1 - 1000, revert to 1 - 800
UT 1 - 1000, revert to 1 - 900
The Live game and every other current SWG server using SWG-Source code use the original resource caps. Resto is the only server using these changes (commits)
Near as I can tell, the Resto devs were unaware of this and went Live with it.
Undoing these changes (commits) would put Resto back to operating like players remember things being on Live and what they are used to on other current servers.
Several schematics will improve, anything using steel and CD will be easier to cap.
Mass on crafted SW chassis will see a noticeable improvement. Currently we come nowhere near to capping mass. With these, we will be able to cap mass on chassis (with the right resources).
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Please try to stay on topic this PV is about correcting an error that the reto devs didn't know they introduced.
Have they confirmed that this is an error and they didn't know they introduced it?
Actually I don't care how "hard it is to cap a ship" because this is about changing resource caps/resources not about making things easier for Zoso. You want to see hard, try being a BE crafter.
That is a different PV "Easy and competitive crafting tailored just for sozo"
Actually I don't care how "hard it is to cap a ship" because this is about changing resource caps/resources not about making things easier for Zoso. You want to see hard, try being a BE crafter.
this isn't just about me I don't even craft that much mostly missiles and chaff this is about why should pilots be punished just because of an error that people are afraid to correct because it has a somewhat small chance of affecting the economy. That is after it's been shown that most stuff that it might effect can already be capped.
Have they confirmed that this is an error and they didn't know they introduced it?
Fuego — 07/25/2024 11:47 PM
hello friends. in the great mystery of the resto resource caps i come with news
[11:49 PM]
resto of course uses swg-source, which you can peruse
[11:49 PM]
[11:50 PM]
resource_tree in fact had a conductivity cap of 650 on ferrous metal upon its original leak
[11:50 PM]
[11:51 PM]
you can see on a fateful night in november, 2015 Darth Argus changed the caps
[11:51 PM]
[11:52 PM]
this was of course many years before restoration 3 was a twinkle in halo's eyes
[11:54 PM]
that is how the caps on resto came to be and if any adjustments are to be made are probably up to a player voice
not looking to change anything immediately. in order to implement a change, I would suggest the community attempt to agree on the best path forward understanding ultimately nobody will be happy

Don't see this happening here sadly. Compromise seems to be a bad word.
Fuego — 07/25/2024 11:47 PM
hello friends. in the great mystery of the resto resource caps i come with news
[11:49 PM]
resto of course uses swg-source, which you can peruse
[11:49 PM]
[11:50 PM]
resource_tree in fact had a conductivity cap of 650 on ferrous metal upon its original leak
[11:50 PM]
[11:51 PM]
you can see on a fateful night in november, 2015 Darth Argus changed the caps
[11:51 PM]
[11:52 PM]
this was of course many years before restoration 3 was a twinkle in halo's eyes
[11:54 PM]
that is how the caps on resto came to be and if any adjustments are to be made are probably up to a player voice
That didn't confirm it was an error and that they didn't know. Just that it happened.
Back on topic - curious why not this idea?

savacc said:
minimum caps on JTL resources in the 500 - 600 range.
Pages of debate and this PV never has gotten over +2 votes. It looks like it is not happening unless Aconite decides he loves it, then it doesn't matter what the rest of us think.
Once this PV is officially dead we can talk about another PV that does less.
Pages of debate and this PV never has gotten over +2 votes. It looks like it is not happening unless Aconite decides he loves it, then it doesn't matter what the rest of us think.
Once this PV is officially dead we can talk about another PV that do
Ok got ya. Sorry about that
I support this player voice.

I do a lot of shipwright crafting for my guild. Virtually every single ship part has anywhere from 5 to 9 Experimentation lines requiring stats like OQ, UT, CON, and MAL for different parts of the final craft. It is not so much capping 1 or 2 experimentation lines that is the problem. It is those secondary lines that here will consistently be at 21% to 23%. Chassis are just the extreme example of it since the gates force players into using JTL resources.

I'd also love to craft my own BM consumables, a challenge hard enough due to the crazy high resource requirements. This just adds an extra hurdle.

Side note: For any BM Consumables crafters:
Does the Radioactive DR requirement of the Element Processing Filter use 1-1000 Gate of Musty and High Grade Polymetric, or the old Class 7 Radioactive Gate of 1-800?
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Reactions: savacc and Zoso
I support this player voice.

I do a lot of shipwright crafting for my guild. Virtually every single ship part has anywhere from 5 to 9 Experimentation lines requiring stats like OQ, UT, CON, and MAL for different parts of the final craft. It is not so much capping 1 or 2 experimentation lines that is the problem. It is those secondary lines that here will consistently be at 21% to 23%. Chassis are just the extreme example of it since the gates force players into using JTL resources.

I'd also love to craft my own BM consumables, a challenge hard enough due to the crazy high resource requirements. This just adds an extra hurdle.

Side note: For any BM Consumables crafters:
Does the Radioactive DR requirement of the Element Processing Filter use 1-1000 Gate of Musty and High Grade Polymetric, or the old Class 7 Radioactive Gate of 1-800?
Rechecked the Gethub commits to see if I missed radioactive, but it looks like SOE always gave radioactive a DR cap of 1-1000, well at least in the NGE.
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I support this player voice.

I do a lot of shipwright crafting for my guild. Virtually every single ship part has anywhere from 5 to 9 Experimentation lines requiring stats like OQ, UT, CON, and MAL for different parts of the final craft. It is not so much capping 1 or 2 experimentation lines that is the problem. It is those secondary lines that here will consistently be at 21% to 23%. Chassis are just the extreme example of it since the gates force players into using JTL resources.

I'd also love to craft my own BM consumables, a challenge hard enough due to the crazy high resource requirements. This just adds an extra hurdle.

Side note: For any BM Consumables crafters:
Does the Radioactive DR requirement of the Element Processing Filter use 1-1000 Gate of Musty and High Grade Polymetric, or the old Class 7 Radioactive Gate of 1-800?
The schematic for the Element Processing Filter uses the cap of 1000. So similar to other schematics being discussed here, it's subject to the same thing. However, the lower cap for musty rads is 900, so it inherently lends itself to high-quality products if the OQ is in the 900s too. In my time here on Resto (1 year), I've seen 5x the amount of cap-quality rads come off musty than I've seen for the JTL rads.

somebody's gonna have to summarize wherever this went because there's no way I'm reading 6 pages of this
How it is currently standing:
10 yes (including my vote)
4 clear no +2 or 3 strongly implied noes, several senators though.
Three-ish on the fence if I read it correctly.
(Someone else who knows the nicks should also count though, I might have counted someone more than once)
Official count is +3, but that doesn't include me. Mechanics of this don't allow me to upvote my own PV.
+9 now
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I also support this player voice and agree that it's better to revert back to the original resource gates from live. The current gates are an unnecessary hurdle for new crafters.
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So i didn't know you actually had to click the up arrow...