Change Smuggler profession requirements

Change Smuggler profession requirements
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My proposal is to swap the profession requirements for smuggler from Pistols IV & Unarmed IV from Marksman and Brawler respectfully, to Ranged Support IV & Unarmed IV.
Smuggler is a profession that does not see much play largely because the templates that synergize with it do not work very well. This chance would open up new builds and possibilities with the profession that I believe would have it see more play.
Smuggler has some awesome tricks and abilities. It is a shame that we don't see more of it. I would like to see more diversity of templates among the combatants of the server and I believe this would really help smuggler in that department.
I appreciate all feedback and criticism
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Smugglers definitely get shafted by their prereqs but changing it to Ranged Support IV + Unarmed IV would make them have the exact same requirements as Commando which wouldn't make sense. Unless of course Commando also gets its prereqs changed.
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